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Discover the Millenium Maze this European Heritage Open Day

Date: Saturday 14 September

Meet Cavehill Conservation Director Gerard Brannigan who will talk to you about:

  • the work of the Cave Hill Conservation Campaign in its restoration of the maze;
  • the unique feature unearthed during the planting of a mini fruit tree orchard within its boundaries; and
  • how beech and willow trees are being trained as part of the continuing development of the Maze.

As an added bonus on the day, you may be able to sample some herbs from the recently installed raised beds and find native herbs which have once again become established. 

See how the site has become a peaceful tranquil haven abounding in so much biodiversity for young and old alike to enjoy. Even the many rabbits have become people-friendly and the odd squirrel too.

As September 14 is also one of Cave Hill Conservation Campaign Volunteers ‘work party’ days, you will have the opportunity to witness at first hand the work of the volunteers who maintain the Maze all year round.

These talks are free. Please come to reception at Belfast Castle on the day and Gerard will meet you there. Talk times are 11am, 12 noon and 1pm.

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