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Parks in Belfast

Glenbank Park

In the nineteenth century, the Ewart family were linen manufacturers who owned a large mill on the Crumlin Road and a bleach green next to the site. They wanted to contribute to their neighbourhood and offered Belfast Corporation seven and a half acres of their land to use as a public park for the Ligoniel area.

Getting to Glenbank Park

The park is in north Belfast. Enter the park at Ligoniel Road. If you are travelling by bus from Belfast city centre, take Metro no.11A, or plan your journey with Translink (link opens in new window).

History of Glenbank Park

Glenbank Park originally belonged to the Sinclair family, who also owned the land which was used to create Falls Park and Belfast City Cemetery. By the middle of the 19th century, the Ewart family owned the estate.

Approval was for a public park was granted in January 1921. Another three-quarters of an acre was added to the estate to 'square off' the shape of the park in 1921. The Ewarts also contributed money to set up a children's corner with playground equipment.

Park events

To find out what events and activities are on in our parks, go to Park events.

Park opening times

Our parks open at 7.30am every day. Closing times change as daylight lengthens or shortens. Ballysillan Park and Glenbank Park close 30 minutes before our other parks.

Date Closing time 
16 February to 22 March 6.30pm
23 March to 5 April 7.30pm
6 April to 12 April  8pm
13 April to 26 April 8.30pm
27 April to 10 May 9pm
11 May to 24 May 9.30pm
25 May to 19 July 10pm
20 July to 2 August 9.30pm
3 August to 23 August 9pm
24 August to 30 August 8.30pm
31 August to 13 September 8pm
14 September to 27 September 7.30pm
28 September to 18 October 6.30pm
19 October to 25 October 6pm
26 October to 8 November 5.30pm
9 November to 22 November 5pm
23 November to 31 December 4.30pm
1 to 10 January 4.30pm

Map of Glenbank Park

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Our parks are free to visit.

Contact details

[email protected]

028 9031 9629

Glenbank Park, Ligoniel Road, Belfast, BT14 8BY

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