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Pied imperial pigeon

Ducula bicolor

Pied imperial pigeons are members of the pigeon and dove families. These birds are entirely white or pale cream, apart from their black flight feathers and tail feathers. The average pied imperial pigeon is between 37 and 44 centimetres (cm) long with a wingspan of roughly 45cm.

Pied imperial pigeons will fly great distances to feeding sites and nesting colonies, even crossing seas in large flocks.

The call of the pied imperial pigeon makes a deep ‘mroo’, ‘roo-ca-hoo’ and ‘up-oooo’ sound.

IUCN red list status


The IUCN status of the pied imperial pigeon is least concern.

For more info on classifications visit (link opens in new window).

Animal class


Conservation status

The IUCN does not consider pied imperial pigeons to be in immediate danger of extinction in the wild.




There are no current estimates to show how many pied imperial pigeons are left in the wild.


Herbivore. Pied imperial pigeons eat a diet almost exclusively made up of fruit.