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The Vacant to Vibrant scheme has two funding pots, one covers Belfast city centre and the other covers Belfast citywide (beyond the city centre boundary). The scheme's guidance notes include boundary maps. If you would like clarification on a property you are interested in taking through the scheme, you should contact us.
The scheme operates on a first-come, first-served basis until all funding is allocated. The city centre funding pot is almost fully allocated. If you are currently working on an application, you should make us aware as soon as possible.
Once the city centre funding pot has been fully allocated, we will send an email update and collect a register of interest as we seek additional funding. Currently there is no further funding guaranteed for the city centre scheme.
If you are developing an application, we recommend you complete and submit your application with the necessary supporting documents at the earliest opportunity.
The Vacant to Vibrant citywide scheme is not affected by the low funding risk. We continue to welcome interest and applications.
If you'd like to speak to us about our Vacant to Vibrant scheme or need more information, email [email protected]. We can arrange a meeting with you in-person, by telephone or online.
Our Vacant to Vibrant scheme aims to reduce vacancy, address dereliction and support local independent businesses in the city centre and across Belfast.
The scheme provides capital grants to incentivise and support property owners and potential occupiers in bringing vacant properties back into use in local neighbourhoods and the city centre.
Applications are welcome from:
The scheme is open to applications for vacant properties in:
There are three levels of capital grants available:
The grant for a vacant property depends on the floor space and the lease length.
Funding can be used for:
If a grant application is successful, the applicant must contribute a minimum of 10 per cent match funding.
We are still accepting Vacant to Vibrant applications for vacant properties in Belfast city centre. We process applications on a first-come, first-served basis. This will continue until all available funding is fully allocated.
To date, we have approved 40 applicants for a Vacant to Vibrant grant in Belfast city centre. This has provided up to 131 direct employment opportunities and reanimated 21 historical buildings or buildings of interest. There were successful applications by:
These applicants restored vacant properties and transformed the spaces into new premises for their businesses, bringing diversity and vibrancy to Belfast city centre.
Following the success of our scheme in Belfast city centre, we have secured £500,000 of capital funding from the Department for Communities and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to extend our scheme to areas outside the city centre.
Capital grants will be available to properties and businesses located within our boundary, making our high streets and surrounding neighbourhoods more vibrant, diverse and welcoming.
We will award grants on a first-come, first-served basis. We will prioritise properties with significant frontage in urban centres and along arterial routes. Applications are open until all the funding has been awarded.
If you are interested in applying for a Vacant to Vibrant grant in the city centre or citywide, email [email protected]. We will provide an application pack, guidance notes and a checklist. We can also advise on:
We can provide advice by email, phone, video call or in-person.
Watch this one-minute, six-second video to find out how Michele International Hair and Beauty benefitted from Vacant to Vibrant funding.
Watch this one-minute, 35-second video to find out how our Vacant to Vibrant capital grant scheme has supported Bodega Bagels to renovate a vacant city centre premises to grow their business.
Watch this two-minute, 22-second video to hear about how the Vacant to Vibrant capital grant scheme supported Verona Bridal to relocate to property that was previously vacant in Belfast city centre.
Watch this one-minute, 16-seconds long video about how Vacant to Vibrant funding is helping to restore Tedford’s Sail Loft Warehouse.