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Culture funding

Artist Studios Organisational Grants 2024-2025

Our funding is open to eligible organisations and groups that run artist studios in Belfast. These grants are for organisations which have struggled to secure funding from Belfast City Council through existing programmes and need some assistance to help stabilise and develop. We're holding an online information session about the grants on Wednesday 12 June 2024.

Grants available

You can apply for up to £10,000 to use towards specified developmental needs in a 12-month period. Organisations that accommodate 25 active artists can apply for a grant up to £20,000. For these applicants, they must meet additional eligibility criteria and supply a suitable business case.

Apply for Artist Studios Organisational funding

To receive an application pack and guidance notes, email Eligibillty criteria is published on pages two and three in the notes.

Closing date for applications

The closing date is Thursday 4 July 2024 at 12 noon.

Information session on Artist Studios Organisational Grants

The online session takes place on Wednesday 12 June at 12 noon. To attend, email and ask for a meeting link. We can also arrange an online or telephone appointment with you.


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