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Street parties

  • Organising a street party

    You must make an application to us for a road closure order if you are holding a street party, or other similar small community-based event, on a public road. 

    Make your application early – at least 12 weeks before the event (or as close to this as possible), so we have time to consult with various statutory bodies and to publicly advertise the proposed road closure. If you apply too late for us to do this we will not be able to accept your application.

    There is no application fee for closing the road for a small local event such as a street party. However, you will need to organise public liability insurance for your event and must provide us with a £10 million public liability insurance declaration.

    You will also need to notify neighbours and provide us with an event and traffic management plan, telling us how you are going to safely manage your event and the road closure.

  • Guidance for organisers on closing a road for a street party

    To be considered a ‘small event’, the event should:

    • be held on minor residential roads such as cul-de-sacs or side streets, and the road to be closed must not have a bus route along it, nor have a car park located on it, nor provide access to a car park (other than a car park for residents’ of the road)
    • be an event for the residents of one or two streets only and not for larger areas of the city
    • not be publicised for the general public and so will not draw in people from the wider area
    • finish by 11pm
    • not have a stage built from which entertainment would be provided
    • not have amplified entertainment which may cause nuisance to the wider area
    • not have fireworks, pyrotechnics or bonfires on the street
    • not have alcohol or food sold at the event.

    The event promoter or organiser may be asked to comply with any or all of the following requirements:

    • The event must be organised in such a way that access for pedestrians and essential vehicles can be maintained
    • The promoter or organiser is expected to consult with local residents and businesses that may be affected by the road closure, prior to submitting the application. A copy of the letter or flyer sent, along with a list of those notified and copies of their responses should be submitted with the application form.
    • If local residents and businesses object, we will require that promoters contact us to deal with any issues raised. If issues remain unresolved, we may not issue the road closure order.
    • During the course of the event the promoter or organiser will be responsible for ensuring that the areas affected by the event are so far as is reasonably practical, kept free from rubbish and litter, at all times. When the event finishes, the promoter is responsible for ensuring that the roads are left clear of litter and in a clean and tidy condition.
    • The event promoters or organisers may be held responsible for any costs arising from the event, such as clearing up, damage to street furniture or road surfaces.
    • Each road to be closed must be clearly defined by means of a ROAD CLOSED sign supported by a trestle or suitable half barrier on the road. Diversion signs may also be required.
    • Any barrier to be placed on the road shall have alternate red and white bands around 600mm in width. Where these are to remain in place during lighting-up times, the offside extremity of each barrier or trestle shall be lit by an approved road works lamp.
    • All signs and barriers shall be adequately weighted to prevent them from being blown over or dislodged.
    • All signs and barriers on the road shall be erected and removed at the times specified by us.
    • All debris deposited or left on the street or road as a result of the event shall also be removed by the time specified by us. Failure to do so will render the promoter liable to charge for cleaning the road or even to prosecution for failing to do so or for obstructing the road.
    • The promoter needs to be available at all times during the event and must understand that their details will be passed to DfI Roads and the PSNI.
  • Other things to think about

    • Alcohol: if your street is in one of the city’s alcohol free zones, you cannot drink alcohol on the street. Also, if you want to sell alcohol at the party, you will need a liquor licence.
    • Noise: think about your neighbours who may not be taking part and how you can make sure noise does not annoy them. 
    • Food: any food at the party must comply with food safety legislation and if you intend to sell food (or any other items) on the street, you will need a street trading licence
    • Waste: think about how you are going to deal with waste. You should provide enough bins for glass bottles, recycling and general rubbish.
  • Apply for a road closure

    Request an application form or discuss your plans with us by emailing [email protected] or calling 028 9027 0650 or find out more by visiting apply for a road closure.

Contact us

For more information and advice, get in touch.

[email protected]

028 9027 0650

Building Control, Ground Floor, Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BP

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