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Positive Ageing Month 2024

Date: 1 to 31 October 2024

Venue: Various locations in Belfast, some events are online

Category: Positive Ageing Month, Seniors


Older people can enjoy a festival of special events and activities.

Positive Ageing Month shows how older residents can live happier, healthier and more connected lives. This year's festival includes:

  • baking
  • digital workshops and
  • film screenings. 

Most events and activities are free. As booking is essential for some events, you should check event details. 

To get the full festival programme, email

Positive Ageing events calendar

  • Tuesday 1 October

    Boccia Session

    2 Royal Avenue, 11am to 12 noon
    Play a game of boccia and practise throwing, timing and blocking skills. This gentle exercise keeps mind and body active. Health checks are available. Refreshments will be provided. To book, email or call 07827 823998.
  • Friday 4 October

    Age Friendly Belfast Convention

    Belfast City Hall, Great Hall from 12 noon to 2pm
    Find out about events and activities that are on during Positive Ageing Month. Enjoy ceilĂ­ dancing and refreshments. It's free to attend but you need to book. To book, email or call 07827 823998.

  • Tuesday 15 October

    Calamity Jane film screening

    Belfast City Hall, Banqueting Suite from 2pm to 4pm
    Enjoy a free screening of the film classic starring Doris Day. To book, email or call 07827 823998.

  • Wednesday 16 October

    Tour of Friar's Bush graveyard

    11am to 12.30pm
    Book the free walking tour and discover the fascinating history of this ancient cemetery. The tour will be given by a professional guide and historian. To book, email or call 07827 823998.

  • Tuesday 22 October

    Arsenic and Old Lace film screening

    Belfast City Hall, Banqueting Suite from 2pm to 1pm
    Enjoy a film screening of the comedy classic starring Cary Grant. To book, email or call 07827 823998.

  • Thursday 24 October

    Age Friendly Housing presentation with Dr Mark Hammond

    Online 10am to 11am
    Explore how older people's needs and aspirations can be better addressed by architects, planners and developers creating new residential developments. To attend, email and we'll send you joining details.

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