Applications currently open for comment
Visit the Public Access Portal (link opens in new window) for full details of all planning applications throughout Northern Ireland.
You can request to view applications, including detailed proposals and plans, by calling 028 9050 0510 (textphone 028 9054 0642), or by emailing [email protected]
Written comments on the applications listed should be submitted within 14 days of the date advertised. Quote the application reference in all correspondence and note that all written representations made, including objections, will be posted online. You can also submit comments online through the Public Access Portal (link opens in new window).
You can find out how the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) and the 11 Northern Ireland councils look after your personal information, in relation to planning, by viewing the privacy notice on the DfI website (link opens in new window).
Object to or support an application at Planning Committee
If you'd like to speak to our Planning Committee about a planning application, complete the request form. When you do this, include the application reference. Make sure you hand in the form at least 48 hours before the committee meeting.
Once we receive your application, we'll contact you.
Submit your request to speak to committee (link opens in new window)
Schedule of applications
The schedule of applications to be considered by the Planning Committee is available at least five days before each meeting.
Planning applications
Advertised on 7 March 2025
To read an application, use the planning application reference to search Planning Portal (link opens in new window).
Application reference Location Proposal Initial applications LA04/2025/0164/F 88 Ardenlee Avenue Partial demolition of rear and side wall of single storey extension to facilitate new window and door openings and internal reconfigurations LA04/2025/0203/F 12 Old Coach Gardens One and a half storey replacement dwelling LA04/2025/0199/F 30 Mount Vernon Park Single storey rear extension and creation of access ramp. LA04/2025/0213/F 205 Sandy Row Retrospective change of use from residential to short-term let LA04/2025/0242/F 2-10 Botanic Avenue Construction of hotel including ground floor bar, restaurant and associated works including demolition of existing building LA04/2025/0264/F 35 Cranmore Gardens Retrospective application for alterations to extension approved under application LA04/2023/2573/F LA04/2025/0256/F 197 Belmont Road Demolish garage and single storey rear return and replace with single storey rear and side extension LA04/2025/0281/F 14 Mount Prospect Park Demolition of single storey rear extension and construction of two-storey rear extension LA04/2025/0290/LBC 14 Arthur Street Internal and external alterations for redecoration works, new shop fit-out and new fascia sign Re-advertisement LA04/2023/3795/F 1 Wellington Park Terrace Proposed 360 degree, rotating car parking bay with new access onto Wellington Park Lane and levels changes. Removal of boundary vegetation and wall to accommodate sliding gate (amended description) LA04/2023/4245/F Land within and adjoining the existing archways beneath East Bridge Street Conversion of and extension to existing unused archways to comprise: (1) cafe and restaurant; (2) health and fitness facility; (3) B1 community offices and (4) associated environmental improvements including footway widening on Lanyon Place and creation of hard surface landscaping within DfI Roads and NI Transport Holding Company wayleaves parallel to East Bridge Street and Lanyon Place railway station with pedestrian access from Stewart Street and Lanyon Place (amended plans and description) LA04/2024/1384/F 8 The Mount Retrospective change of use from office space to category C2 Tourist Hostel (amended description) LA04/2024/1996/F 27 Stormont Park Demolition of existing carport and construction of garage (amended proposal description) LA04/2022/1046/F 18 Annadale Avenue Proposed demolition of existing building and construction of a residential development consisting of 14 units (nine apartments within a three-storey building and five two-storey terraced dwellings) with associated landscaping and car parking (amended description)