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Council welcomes new five-year strategy to support a thriving east Belfast

Date: 26 Sep 2024

EastSide Partnership Strategy launch

Chair of Belfast City Council’s City Growth and Regeneration Committee, Councillor Sam Nelson, has welcomed the launch of EastSide Partnership’s new five-year strategy outlining its role in supporting and developing a thriving, connected and welcoming east Belfast by placing local people and partnerships at its core to progress and transform the area.

Regeneration charity EastSide Partnership has led on a range of innovative regeneration projects since 1995, many in partnership with Belfast City Council. It aims to improve the lives of people across east Belfast through the delivery of social, economic, environmental and cultural projects.

Chair of Belfast City Council’s City Growth and Regeneration Committee, Councillor Sam Nelson said: “It’s fantastic to work with such a visionary, knowledgeable and committed team of people in EastSide Partnership, regenerating this part of the city together. We’ve been very proud to invest in the Connswater Community Greenway, C.S. Lewis Square, and Templemore Baths, and to see these so well used as community resources and assets. More recently, we’ve supported initiatives like Late Night Art in east Belfast, helping to attract more footfall and spend to the area. We’ve also helped to promote The Holywood Arches as a vibrant hub to shop, explore and relax through our "Supporting Vibrant Business Destinations" initiative with events, street art and colourful planters, funded through the Department for Communities.

“And, during our biggest ever city-wide celebration of creativity, Belfast 2024, we’re delighted to be project managing the restoration of The Strand, NI’s only operational art deco picture house to provide a ‘living museum’ experience with live performance spaces and creative learning studios. EastSide Partnership’s objectives for the next five years are very much in tune with The Belfast Agenda – and we look forward to working together to improve quality of life for people living in east Belfast, a place that holds so much heritage value and potential for the future.”

Michele Bryans, Chief Executive of EastSide Partnership, commented: “We are very proud to unveil our strategic framework for 2025 - 2030, which reveals the role EastSide Partnership will have in delivering regeneration in east Belfast. Having been the key instigator of some very significant and major regeneration opportunities across east Belfast, we are very much looking forward to continuing to make an impact and to support with developing a thriving, connected and welcoming east Belfast. Key to our success is partnerships and especially those relationships within the local community – without it our work will have no impact. With many exciting projects well under way and alongside our commitment to building new partnerships, encouraging and influencing investment, we are determined to continue to make our mark over the next five years.”

Andrew Hassard, Chair of EastSide Partnership, added: “On behalf of EastSide Partnership I would like to acknowledge and congratulate everyone involved in the development of our strategic framework for 2025 – 2030. Our staff and dedicated board members, across our company board and committee are ready to make an impact and change with our local community and are already engaged with many partners to take this forward.  Many of our projects and programmes cannot take place if it weren’t for our partners, funders and sponsors and I would like to thank for them for their continued support.”

Projects to date include the development of neighbourhood plans such as Holywood Arches strategy and current work on ‘Your Vision for the Newtownards Road 2030’. Physical development projects such as Connswater Community Greenway, including C.S. Lewis Square, EastSide Visitor Centre, Bridges Surgery, Enler Centre have helped transform and improve the natural and built environment of the local area. Animation and events including the annual EastSide Arts Festival, C.S. Lewis Festival and all year-round programming at Templemore Baths, Connswater Community Greenway and venues across east Belfast, provide opportunities for residents and visitors alike to come together and celebrate the creativity and heritage of east Belfast. Improving educational outcomes for children and young people in a partnership approach with local schools which helps improve life chances and opportunities is also a priority.

As a neighbourhood regeneration charity EastSide Partnership is committed to Belfast as a city, and will continue to contribute to city-wide frameworks including The Belfast Agenda and regionally within the Programme for Government, to ensure that the voices and needs of people living in east Belfast are heard, understood and importantly that they benefit from investment and initiatives.

Work has already started, with EastSide Partnership engaged in a range of emerging projects. These include an extension to EastSide Visitor Centre and a tourism accommodation project at C.S. Lewis Square with support from the Belfast City Council Neighbourhood Regeneration Fund. EastSide Greenways continues to champion green spaces, advocating for a wider extension of Greenway development across east Belfast and the role they play in helping to create a climate resilient east Belfast. Plus a range of collaborations and research projects exploring reducing educational disadvantage and identifying the barriers to participation in arts and creative activities in the area.

Through the strategic framework 2025 – 2030, EastSide Partnership will continue to champion east Belfast and build on success through a strong committed staff, volunteer team and board of directors.  Their ongoing partnership work will be core to moving forward in working alongside local communities, government and local authorities, private sector business and elected members. This will also be key to tackling tough issues such as poverty and deprivation, improving the environment, ensuring local people have access to opportunities and pursuing opportunities to lobby for greater local investment. 

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