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Physical investment

LGBTQIA+ Hub feasibility study

  • The feasibility study

    Work to consider the need for a dedicated building for organisations representing the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and asexual) community in Belfast is underway.

    While there is no budget for a dedicated hub currently in place, it is anticipated that the results of this study could provide the evidence base for future funding applications.

  • Background for the study

    Demand for services provided by LGBTQIA+ organisations has increased significantly in recent years. As many of these organisations receive little or no core funding, covering rent and other overheads can be challenging.

    In response to this, Cara-Friend, HEReNI and The Rainbow Project currently jointly rent space in a building commonly referred to as the LGBT Centre. As well as reducing costs, sharing premises has led to increased collaboration and other benefits.

    With other LGBTQIA+ organisations in the city currently renting premises and using space in the LGBT Centre, a feasibility study to consider the need for a dedicated LGBTQIA+ Hub is being developed.

    As well as cost benefits, a dedicated LGBTQIA+ Hub would also provide a single point of contact for local and central government, statutory agencies, service providers, service users and other community organisations wanting to engage with the community.

  • Public consultation

    Individuals and groups with an interest were asked to give their views as part of a public consultation which ran from 11 to 26 January 2023.

    Visit our consultation website Your Say Belfast (link opens in new window) for more information.

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