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IT training

Microsoft PowerPoint 365 (Advanced)

  • Course duration

    One and a half days:

    • Day one: 9.30am to 4.30pm 
    • Day two: 9.30am to 12.30pm
  • Course description

    The Advanced PowerPoint course introduces many of the more advanced tools available in Microsoft PowerPoint. It has been designed for users who are proficient in the functionality of Microsoft PowerPoint to help them realise the full potential of PowerPoint.

    The Course covers various new topics including manipulating pictures, images or drawn objects, inserting sounds and movies with animation that play automatically, creating flow charts and the use of macros.

  • Prerequisites of course

    Attendance on PowerPoint course or knowledge of PowerPoint.

    Check Points:

    • Can you apply custom animation settings to objects and slides?
    • Can you apply slide transition to slides?
    • Have you knowledge of using format painter to copy styles from one object to another?
  • Course agenda

    Exercise Details
    Exercise 1 Master slides, templates and themes
    Exercise 2  Converting clipart objects
    Exercise 3  Autoshapes and effects
    Exercise 4  Editing images
    Exercise 5 


    Exercise 6 


    Exercise 7 

    Custom animation

    Exercise 8

    Animating charts

    Exercise 9 

    Sound and video

    ​Exercise 10 

    Action settings

    Exercise 11 Custom shows
    Exercise 12 Applying and removing timings on slide transitions
    Exercise 13 Linking files
    Exercise 14 Modifying links
    Exercise 15 Set up show
    Exercise 16 Merging slides from another presentation
    Exercise 17 Merging slides from outline
    Exercise 18 Saving slides as pictures
    Exercise 19 Endangered Species presentation review
  • Goals and objectives of course


    1. To expand on the users knowledge of the various tools provided within PowerPoint 2007 and, thus, improve the efficiency with which they produce presentations.


    After completing this course you will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate an understanding of audience, environment and assimilation of text and graphics when creating a presentation and delivering it effectively.
    2. Create and save templates with appropriate fill effects, logos and bullet points.
    3. Insert slide masters and slide master layouts.
    4. Edit slide master layouts and apply them to selected slides.
    5. Merge slides from one presentation into another presentation.
    6. Use the outline of a word processed document to create a new presentation.
    7. Save slides in a PowerPoint presentation in GIF, JPG or BMP format.
    8. Convert a picture to a drawn object.
    9. Use manipulation tools such as grouping, send backward, bring forward, position according to co-ordinates and relative to a slide, on pictures, images and drawn objects.
    10. Apply and modify 3D effects on drawn objects.
    11. Apply various types of fill effect to drawn objects.
    12. Crop and rescale images.
    13. Convert images to greyscale or black/white.
    14. Display rulers, grids and guides on a slide, and use ‘snap objects to grid’ feature.
    15. Change items within charts and graphs, such as chart type, data series, scale of a value axis, minimum and maximum number to display and major intervals, gap and overlap between columns.
    16. Draw and modify flowcharts and diagrams.
    17. Insert sounds and movies in a presentation.
    18. Insert action buttons and settings to navigate to a specified slide, URL, file or custom show.
    19. Create and change sequence of animations on text, drawn objects, and charts.
    20. Insert, edit and remove a hyperlink.
    21. Apply slide show control settings (interaction on slide content for navigation, create and remove slide timings, loop a presentation, and timed/manual slide advance).
    22. Create, edit and run customised shows.
    23. Link data from an image, word document or spreadsheet and display as an object.
    24. Update and modify linked data into a presentation, and embed a linked object.
  • Cost of course

    This is under review.
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