When your friends are vaping, and it’s all over TikTok, you can see why it’s easy to get sucked into vaping.
It’s easy to say ‘yes’ and very difficult to say ‘no’. But you need to know what vaping is really sucking you into.
People who vape are filling their bloodstream with chemicals.
It might taste okay, but nobody’s sure what the long-term effects will be.
Already, people are damaging their health because of vaping, even though it hasn’t been around for as long as cigarettes.
It can really mess up your lungs. And your brain. Making it difficult to concentrate.
It’s very addictive and it’s very bad for the environment.
If you’re feeling under pressure to vape or need help to stop, chat to a grown-up you trust for a bit of advice and support, and never share anybody else’s vape – because you don’t know what’s in it.
Remember, it’s a lot easier to ‘not vape’, if you never start.
So, don’t get sucked into vaping.
Watch Fast Forward: vaping video
The video plays for one minute and 20 seconds. This video explains some of the negative consequences of vaping, from health problems to the environmental impact. It encourages young people not to start vaping and to seek support if they feel pressurised to vape.
Fast Forward: Scrambling
When you’re going fast on a scrambler – it’s a rush. You only see what’s right in front of you.
You can’t really think about the impact it can have.
Like your friend’s granny, how scared she gets when somebody flies past her on the footpath.
Or how the noise terrifies your neighbour’s baby so much they’re up screaming and their mum is going out of her mind.
Or your own future, when you get arrested by the police for dangerous driving and have no licence or insurance and end up with a criminal record.
And then there’s the actual impact, when somebody walks out in front of you because you’re riding on a footpath, in the park, or on land you shouldn’t be on.
That’s the nightmare scenario – that you injure yourself or somebody else so badly, that life is never the same again.
You can’t be expected to think about that when you’re going full speed.
So apply the break now.
If you love motorsport, there are ways to get involved that don’t put you and other people at risk. And only ever do it on land where you’ve got permission.
Watch Fast Forward: Scrambling video
The video plays for one minute and 13 seconds. This video highlights some consequences of using scramblers in unsuitable places, such as local parks and greenways. It helps young people consider their actions and understand the potential impact of their behaviour on other people.
Fast Forward: Blue Lights
First you hear the sirens. Then you see the blue lights.
It all started out a bit of harmless fun, but now people are starting to throw things.
This isn’t what you signed up for. That ambulance is trying to get someone to hospital. That police car is trying to get to someone who’s in trouble. That fire engine is racing against the clock.
You don’t want to be part of this now.
Before things get out of hand. Stop. Fast forward the night in your head and give yourself the chance to make better choices.
Watch Fast Forward: Blue Lights video
This video plays for one minute and 54 seconds. The video explains what can happen when young people get involved in attacks on ambulance, fire service and police, the blue lights services. Watch how this type of behaviour can stop people from receiving life-saving help.
Fast Forward: Sharing Spaces
You’re in the park with your mates one night when someone suddenly decides to lob a glass bottle.
A minute later someone else throws a bottle and things start to get out of hand. Before you know it, the playpark is half wrecked and there’s nothing you can do about it now.
You’ve become that person your granny feels intimated by when she walks through the park. Or that person your mum gives off about when children can’t use the playground after school.
Before things get out of hand. Stop. Fast forward the night in your head and give yourself the chance to make better choices.
Watch Fast Forward: Sharing Spaces video
This video plays for one minute and 44 seconds. The video helps young people understand the consequences of antisocial behaviour in parks and open spaces, and how their behaviour can impact the whole community.
Fast Forward: Over the Fence
You’re on the sofa in the house – bored.
Someone sends you a message saying it's all kicking off down the street at the barrier.
It’s tempting like. What harm is there in just going for a nosey? You wouldn’t actually have to get involved or anything, right?
Now stop. Take a second to fast forward the rest of the night in your head.
Shouting. Throwing. Police vans. Maybe you throw a brick and it hits someone. Maybe it doesn’t, but you’ve got it in your hand and that’s enough for intent.
A criminal conviction now will affect your future job, travel and life opportunities.
Before things get out of hand. Stop. Fast forward the night in your head and give yourself the chance to make better choices.
Watch Fast Forward: Over the Fence video
This video plays for one minute and 37 seconds. The video helps young people understand the consequences of getting involved in violence at interface barriers in Belfast.
My child was seen on a scrambler. What should I do?
Parents and guardians should know the facts and the law about using a scrambler.
Make yourself aware of where and how scramblers and other vehicles like e-scooters can be legally used. These vehicles are almost always for off-road use only and should only be driven on private land with the owner’s permission. Insurance and safety equipment such as helmets must also be in place to ensure they are being driven legally. To read information on the law and scrambler safety, go to E-scooter, scrambler and quad safety (link opens in new window).
Encourage a safer and more positive interest in bikes by trying motor sports like motocross or rally driving which are available for children and young people. Getting involved in other local sports or youth groups can also be a great way to divert energy.
Talk to you child about the consequences. The damage and noise that scramblers cause in parks and greenways can ruin the safety and enjoyment of these public spaces for other users. Scramblers cause fear in communities. Many people are concerned that people or animals using open spaces, or even the riders themselves, may get injured or worse, killed.
Illegal biking can result in charges for several offences such as dangerous driving, driving with no insurance or licence, and speeding. Talk about how a potential criminal record will impact their later life. Explain that there are lots of jobs you won’t be able to work in with a criminal record, or places you may not be able to travel to in the future.
My child has started vaping. What should I do?
Parents and guardians can get health and safety information about vaping.
The Public Health Agency has information and advice for parents, teachers and other people working with children and young people. To read information, go to Talking to your child about vaping (link opens in new window).
Be open to talking about vaping so your child knows they can come to you for support and advice. Discourage your child from sharing vapes or using unregulated (illegal) vapes. Explain how these may contain higher levels of nicotine and the content of these unregulated vapes isn’t known so could have serious health implications. High levels of THC or synthetic cannabinoids such as Spice or Pine could be present and have a negative outcome when vaped. Sharing vapes could lead to young people inhaling illicit substances without realising.
Vapes are an age-restricted product. It is illegal to sell a vape to young people under 18 years old and to buy a vape for them.
I’ve been asked to take part in antisocial behaviour. What can I do?
Tell someone. If you are the victim or are witness to violence, tell someone. It can be anyone you trust. Or if you are being coerced to take part in violence, tell a trusted parent, youth worker, teacher, coach, friend or neighbour.
Deflect or offer another activity. ‘No, I can’t be bothered – sure come over and play FIFA?’ ‘My mum will kill me if I go down there..’ ‘Sorry I’ve got football training tonight’ ‘My girlfriend’s coming over – I don’t want to bring her in to it.’
Ignore the messages to become involved.
Try not to respond to violence with violence. Anger will almost always make things worse.
Be a friend. Help other friends who are being asked to take part by inviting them to participate in another activity.
You may not be involved in the violence yourself, but don’t stand by. Watching, encouraging violence or doing nothing makes you part of the problem.
My child is involved in attacks on blue light services or other types of antisocial behaviour. What should I do?
Offer them a way out. ‘My mum won’t let me come’ ‘My dad says I have to stay in tonight’ ‘I’ve to take my sister to visit my granny.’ Give your young person the option of choosing a different path
Make sure you know where they are
Try to offer another, positive use of time. Getting involved in local sports or youth groups can be a great way to divert energy while also building friendships and getting fitter
Have conversations about how a criminal record will affect your life later down the line. Did you know that if you have a criminal record there are lots of jobs you won’t be able to work in? Or places you may not be able to travel to in the future such as the United States or Australia?
Have conversations in a non-confrontational way about the impact of the violence on children, older people, the community as a whole.
Helpful links for young people
Are you under 18 and need to chat? Call ChildLine for free on 0800 1111 or find out how to get in touch online. ChildLine are always there to listen and support you. From bullying to abuse, chatting through issues in school and issues at home, ChildLine will be there to listen. If you feel you’re being pressured to take part in antisocial behaviour, speak to ChildLine 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Feeling depressed, suicidal, or worried about someone who is? CallLifeline, Northern Ireland’s crisis response helpline. You can remain completely anonymous if you wish. Call 0808 808 8000 or textphone 18001 0808 808 8000.
Advice for students (link opens in new window) – starting uni or college can be exciting, but make sure you know top tips for staying safe and finding your feet in a new place
Ask for Angela (link opens in new window) – Anyone who is feeling unsafe, vulnerable or threatened can discreetly seek help by approaching venue staff and asking them for ‘Angela’. This code-phrase will indicate to staff that you need help, and a trained member of staff will then look to support and assist you. This might be through reuniting you with a friend, seeing you to a taxi, or by calling venue security and or the police.
Child abuse (link opens in new window) - The term ‘child abuse’ includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, including sexual exploitation, emotional abuse or abuse through neglect, of a person under the age of 18. There is no absolute criterion for judging what constitutes abuse, or significant harm. However, it may include the degree, extent, duration and frequency of that harm. Sometimes, a single traumatic event may constitute this, for example, a violent assault, sexual assault, suffocation or poisoning. More often abuse or significant harm is a series of events, both acute and long-standing, which interrupt, change or damage the child’s physical or psychological development. Some children also live in family and social circumstances where their health and development are neglected.
Sextortion (link opens in new window) - Sextortion is a cyber enabled crime during which victims are lured into sharing intimate images or performing sexual acts in front of a webcam. Unbeknown to victims, their actions are recorded by criminals who then use the video footage in an attempt to blackmail individual. Offenders commonly target their victims through dating apps, social media or webcams. Webcam blackmail usually involves people being lured into taking off some or all of their clothes in front of their webcam, only to be told that you have been recorded and that the video will be posted online or shown to the victim's contacts unless a fee is paid - usually a substantial sum of money. Sextortion can have a devastating effect on the victim. However, there are steps you can take to prevent this type of crime happening to you
When should I call 999 for a medical emergency?
You should call 999 in the event that emergency medical assistance is required in a life-threatening situation following a serious accident, injury or illness. This includes, but is not limited to:
Loss of consciousness
Major blood loss
Chest pains
Difficulty breathing
Severe burns and scalds
Fitting or concussion
Severe allergic reactions
In the case that it is not a life-threatening emergency, and immediate medical attention is not required, consider other options before calling 999:
Care for yourself or the patient at home, or see if family or friends are able to help
Talk to your local pharmacist
Visit or call your GP (or, if necessary, call the out of hours GP service)
Visit your local Minor Injuries Unit
Go to to A and E at the hospital (you will not be treated any quicker by arriving in an ambulance).