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Exhibition: About Belfast, Ed Reynolds

Date: Wednesday 26 June to Monday 22 July

Venue: 2 Royal Avenue

Category: 2 Royal Avenue, Exhibition


A vibrant celebration of Belfast's heart and soul, capturing the city's dynamic essence through a fusion of traditional techniques and contemporary insights.

These works portray the interplay of light and shadow on the historic architecture, the bustling energy of the city streets, and the tranquil moments along the River Lagan.​

The exhibition is not static and Reynolds will continue to create some new pieces in and around 2 Royal Avenue, integrating the spontaneous interactions and experiences of visitors at the centre.

This dynamic process invites viewers not just to observe but to become part of the exhibition. By painting in situ, Reynolds blurs the lines between artist, artwork, and audience, fostering a unique, participatory art experience. Visitors can witness the transformation of a blank canvas into a vibrant depiction of Belfast’s essence, their presence subtly influencing the final works.​

Ed likes to describe this series as a loose narrative of Belfast’s present moment, captured in real-time. As the exhibition grows, so does the portrait of the city, enriched by the myriad interactions between the artist and his audience.

This evolving exhibition at 2 Royal Avenue stands as a testament to the ever-changing, yet enduring, spirit of Belfast, offering a profound, immersive experience that resonates with both locals and visitors alike.​

Keep an eye out on Ed’s @steadyhanded Instagram (link opens in new window) and Facebook pages for the days that he will be painting in and around 2 Royal Avenue.

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