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Published January 2025

Scheme of Allowances Payable to Councillors 2024 to 2025

C) Additional information

1. IT /Phone Package

Personal computer equipment can be provided by the Council to each Councillor on the basis that the Council owns the equipment and lends it to those Councillors who request it.

Councillors IT Package currently consists of the following:

  • Tablet PC
  • Smartphone, which includes a call, text and data allowance

Tablet PC

Each Councillor is entitled to receive a tablet PC for their duration as a Member of Belfast City Council. The device is provided by the Council to assist Councillors in undertaking their role more effectively. The main benefits are having online access to the council minutes system and other Council provided software and to engage more effectively with constituents.

Where a Councillor has been provided with a tablet PC, hard copies of Council, Committee and Working Group report packs will not be provided.

Mobile Telephone costs

Each Councillor will be offered the use of a mobile phone for the duration they remain a Councillor of Belfast City Council. The device is available for upgrade periodically. The Council will cover the cost of line rental which includes:

  • the cost of all phone calls to UK landlines or UK mobile phones whilst within the UK;
  • the cost of all text messages to UK landlines or UK mobile phones whilst within the UK; and
  • 4GB of data usage per month.

All costs incurred by calls, texts or data usage outside of that detailed above, are met by the Councillor and will be deducted the following month from the Councillor’s basic allowance.

Hands-free mobile phone equipment

The Council will contribute towards the cost of purchase and installation of hands-free mobile phone equipment for use in the Councillors’ cars on the following basis:

  • Reimbursement will be made in respect of the costs of installation of the equipment in the Councillor’s own private vehicle and shall be subject to the submission of appropriate receipts
  • The maximum amount of reimbursement on each occasion to be £250.00.

Home Telephone

The Council may meet the costs of basic monthly/quarterly line rental of the home telephone of each Councillor. Councillors are required to pay the rental cost in the first instance and, having submitted the telephone bill, will then be reimbursed this amount, subject to any tax deductions being applied through the Council’s payroll system.

The Department for Communities has determined that as the Councillor’s Basic Allowance covers incidental expenses involved in being a Councillor, such as the use of a home telephone, it is therefore not possible to reimburse the cost of telephone calls made on a landline.

Broadband Internet Access

In order to encourage Councillors to use the Council’s IT system remotely (from home or office), Councillors may claim part of their home broadband internet rental costs (maximum £25 per month).

As with phone line rental reimbursement, Councillors are required to pay the cost of the broadband in the first instance and, having submitted the appropriate bill, will then be reimbursed up to £25.00 per month, subject to any tax deductions being applied through the Council’s payroll.

Access to the Council’s systems is provided by means of a virtual private network (VPN). Councillors should speak to officers in Democratic Services to arrange to have the VPN set up on their computer.

Electronic Minutes System

The electronic minutes system is accessible on the Council’s website as well as the corporate intranet. The purpose of the system is to have a range of information relating to councillors and the Council’s decision-making process in one place.

The system allows Councillors and members of the public to:

  • View the schedule of meetings;
  • Access agendas, reports and minutes of Council, Committees, and Working Group Meetings; and
  • Search for historical decisions.

The system is also used to alert Councillors that Committee summonses, agenda, minutes and reports have been published and, when any amendments or changes have taken place, Councillors can then access electronically.

2. Councillors’ Support Services

The Council provides Councillors with a wide range of support services to assist them in carrying out their work as Councillors.  Support services include typing of correspondence, post, message and enquiry services, council stationery, research service, room bookings, Councillors training, travel arrangements, expenses and subsistence payments and general enquiries.

Members’ Common Room

The Members’ Common Room is located at the reception area of the City Hall, adjacent to the Committee Rooms. Individual mail boxes and a kitchen are available for Councillors’ use.

Party Rooms

In addition to the Members’ Common Room, the Council provides Party Rooms for each of the political party groups within the Council. These may be used for meetings, work or discussions with constituents.

All accommodation and facilities provided are for use in connection with Council or constituency business only.

In addition to a conference table, printer, scanner, television, tea/coffee making facilities and filing space, each Party Room has at least one PC in addition to docking stations for use with the Council provided tablet PCs.


Items for typing may be left with Democratic Services, where a confidential secretarial service is available for letters, reports and all other correspondence related to Council or constituency work.

After typing, letters will be left in the Councillor’s mailbox in the Members’ Common Room or can be posted to the addressee.


A postal service is available for correspondence which relates to Council or constituency work.

Letters must be addressed to individuals living within the City boundary although letters to public bodies and government Departments with addresses outside the City will also be accepted.

Circularised mail will not be accepted.

Councillors can also be provided with prepaid envelopes for use in their routine correspondence to constituents etc. Please speak to Democratic Services officer to request an allocation of prepaid envelopes.

Postal facilities are not available for party political issues.

Message and Inquiry Service

Democratic Services staff act as a point of contact for all enquiries and telephone messages concerning Councillors from the general public, constituents and Council officers.

The telephones in the party rooms are set to divert to staff on no reply and telephone messages for Councillors will be taken.   Urgent messages will be relayed immediately to Councillors, if contact is possible, and other messages will be emailed or left in their mail boxes.

Council Stationery

Personalised headed-paper, compliment slips and business cards with the Council logo will be provided for each Councillor during their term of office.   Standard Council stationery items are also available in the Members’ Common Room.

Civic Gifts

A limited range of Belfast City Council branded gifts is available for use by Councillors. The gifts are intended for VIP guests to City Hall or for special individuals or groups which a Councillor wishes to recognise. Councillors may also request civic gifts when visiting special individuals or groups when on Council business in other countries. When requesting Civic Gifts, the Councillor must sign a receipt of goods and a database of issued gifts is maintained.

Research and Information Service

Democratic Services staff will be available to assist Councillors in obtaining information and carrying out research on items related to Council and constituency business.

Receiving Constituents

Councillors may make arrangements to receive constituents or visitors in their party room if space is available. Councillors may also request to book a committee room to meet with a group of up to 3 visitors. Visitors will not be permitted access to party rooms or the committee rooms unless accompanied by a Councillor.

Car parking

Councillors have 24 hour access to the City Hall car park. A pass for display in Councillors’ vehicles will be provided by Democratic Services.

Car parking for guests of Councillors is limited. However, if this is required, please contact Democratic Services staff. The visitors’ name and the registration number of the vehicle will be required for the purposes of admittance by Security staff.

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