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Published January 2025

Scheme of Allowances Payable to Councillors 2024 to 2025

B) Expenses

Travel and Subsistence Allowances

All claims for travel and subsistence should be submitted within three months. Any claims made outside of this time limit cannot be processed.

1. Travel

Motor Mileage Claims

The rates of Travel and Subsistence Allowances, including motor mileage and pedal cycle rates, are reviewed annually by the Department for Communities, following consultation with the Northern Ireland Joint Council for Local Government Services.

Claims can only be made where expenditure is incurred in relation to the Councillors undertaking Approved Duties.

Travel claims may be made through Democratic Services and it is a matter for each individual Councillor to ensure that the details contained in any claim are accurate and only include actual expenditure for which they are entitled to make a claim.

In some instances, mileage claims may be liable for tax and National Insurance deductions.

The following rates are currently in use, with most Councillors getting the maximum amount of 65p per mile:

The following rates are currently in use, with most Councillors getting the maximum amount of 65.0p per mile:

  Motor cars Pedal cycle Motorcycles (all engine capacities)
450-999cc 1000-1199cc 1199 + cc Electric Car
0-8,500 miles 46.9p 52.2p 65.0p 45.0p 20p 24p
After 8,500 miles 13.7p 14.4p 16.4p 25.0p
Passenger rate 5.0p

Public Transport

Expenditure on public transport in relation to attending approved duties can be claimed back only when accompanied by proof of purchase. Any journeys made using public transport should be noted separately in any travel expenses claim.

2. Subsistence

If Councillors attend conferences, courses or undertake visits as representatives of the Council they are entitled to receive appropriate subsistence allowances.

Before a Councillor attends an event, they must obtain Committee approval. Councillors may also attend approved events as part of their Personal Development Plan (PDP).

Any accommodation or travel arrangements for conferences are made directly by the Council. Councillors should take a careful note and keep receipts for any expenses they incur while they are away on Council business because they may be able to claim for these as part of their subsistence allowances or as incidental expenses. This relates to such things as meals, bus and taxi fares, necessary telephone calls, etc. Purchases of any alcoholic beverages may not be claimed for.

Within the UK

The rates for subsistence allowance are determined by the Department for Communities. The following table shows the current rates of subsistence which may be claimed for:

Maximum Subsistence Rates

British Isles


Accommodation Allowance



Meal Allowance









Total Meal Allowance


Departments will assist Councillors in the completion of claim forms and Councillors should make contact with an appropriate officer immediately upon returning from the conference to give details of additional expenses incurred and to sign the necessary claim forms.

Claims without receipts should rarely happen. However, Councillors must use the ‘Lost or Unobtainable Receipt Voucher’ to claim reimbursement for expenditure they have incurred when no receipt is available.

Outside the UK

For travel outside the United Kingdom, the Council will pay advanced subsistence at the rate of £75.00 per 24-hour period, or £45 per part 24-hour period.

Approved Duties

Under the existing Regulations Councillors are entitled to claim expenses in relation to an approved duty. An approved duty may be defined as:

(a) attendance at a meeting of the Council or of any of its Committees. Members may only claim travelling allowance for attending Committees to which they have been appointed.  A Member, however, may claim mileage allowance for attending a meeting of a Committee to which he or she has not been appointed if he or she is attending at the invitation of the Committee concerned or has been sent by another Committee to state a particular case.


(b) attendance approved by the Council for the purpose of, or in connection with, the discharge of the functions of the Council:

  • attendance by appointed Councillors at meetings of  Advisory/Liaison Committees Steering Groups/ Working Groups;
  • attendance at approved conferences, courses, study visits or seminars as a representative of the Council;
  • attendance by appointed Councillors at meetings of PCSPs and DPCSPs;
  • attendance  by  appointed  Councillors  at  meetings  of  community  centre committees;
  • attendance on a Council or Committee deputation relevant to the functions of the Council; and
  • attendance by appointed Councillors at meetings of outside bodies only if the functions of the Outside Body relates to the statutory functions of the Council, and where remuneration is not made by the Outside Body to which the Councillor has been appointed.
  • attendance at training courses or briefing sessions provided by or through the Council

In addition, the Council’s Chief Executive can authorise as approved duties certain miscellaneous functions.


Useful information on treatment of tax for councillors could be found at Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs website (link opens in new window)

Councillors’ Pension Scheme

Councillors are automatically enrolled in the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers Superannuation Scheme (NILGOSC). The main purpose of the scheme is to provide a pension in retirement for Councillors. The benefits paid under the Scheme are based on length of membership of the Scheme and career average pensionable pay.

The pensionable pay of a councillor consists of the Basic Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowance payments only. The contribution rate depends on how much each Councillor is paid but will be between 5.5% and 7.5% of the pensionable allowances received.

If a Councillor no longer wishes to participate in the pension scheme, or has any queries regarding the scheme, NIGOSC should be contacted directly on 0345 3197 320.

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