We have received €13.5million PEACEPLUS funding to develop new plans to reconnect Waterworks Park to Alexandra Park and the wider city.
The project is being funded under Investment Area 1.4: Re-imaging Communities which seeks to ‘create a more cohesive society through an increased provision of shared spaces and services, which will benefit and embed peace and reconciliation.’
A key element of this transformational project will be to reduce long standing severance issues between communities created by physical barriers including peace walls and road infrastructure by developing the surrounding and internal infrastructure and enhance linkages with other parts of the city and to the Belfast Hills.
Proposals include upgrading existing park features, investing in new sport and recreation facilities and improving the areas between both parks to help bring communities together in welcoming, attractive and safe spaces.
Proposed improvements:
Entrance upgrades
- The main entrances to both parks will be upgraded.
- A new entrance to Alexandra Park will be created at Camberwell Terrace.
- The main paths within both parks will be upgraded to provide a continuous connection from the Cavehill Road entrance to the Queen Mary’s Garden entrance in Waterworks Park. From here, the path will take users to the Castleton Gardens entrance of Alexandra Park through to the Deacon Street entrance.
- A new path in Waterworks Park will connect Westlands to the upper Waterworks.
Reservoir improvements
- The reservoirs within both parks will be refurbished so that they remain safe in the years ahead.
- New viewing areas with seating will be created.
- Additional trees will be planted throughout the parks to replace trees that need to be removed as part of the reservoir safety works.
Play park upgrades
- Queen Mary’s playpark and the play parks in Alexandra Park will be enhanced to promote inclusive, independent and social play for children of all ages and abilities.
Football pitches
- The 3G pitch at Waterworks Park and the kickabout area at Alexandra Park will be upgraded.
New features | |
New lighting, seating and signs
Basketball court
Event spaces
Dog exercise area
Map of Waterworks and Alexandra Park
Click on the icons in the map to see the proposed developments.