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Published - June 2024

Performance Improvement Plan 2024 - 2025

Looking forward – performance improvement objectives 2024-25

This year we have refocused our performance improvement objectives, to align better with the strategic themes and priorities outlined within the new Belfast Agenda 2024-28 and draft Corporate Plan 2024-28.  We have set clear performance improvement objectives and improved the alignment with improvement activity and performance targets. Our Performance Improvement Plan sets out six performance improvement objectives for the period 2024-25. 

Our services

We will continue to adapt and improve our services to better meet the needs of our residents and stakeholders.

Our people and communities

We will improve our local areas and provide opportunities to support our residents to become healthier and engaged.

Our place

We will create a more vibrant, attractive, and connected city (including the city centre).

Our planet

We will champion climate action; protect the environment and improve the sustainability of Belfast.

Our economy

We will stimulate inclusive growth and innovation, help businesses to start-up and grow and create opportunities for more and better jobs and employment.

Compassionate city

We will support our residents through the cost-of-living crisis.

The tables on the following pages set out the expected improvement (improvement objectives), how they link to relevant regional and local strategies and plans, the Belfast Agenda 2024-28, and the draft Corporate Plan 2024-28. For each improvement we state:

  • what we hope to achieve;
  • why we chose it;
  • how it aligns to the seven aspects of improvement.
  • how we plan to do it; and
  • how we will measure success. 
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