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Published - June 2024

Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance


Policy context

2.1 Regional planning policy and guidance

Regional Development Strategy (RDS) 2035

2.1.1 The RDS recognises the importance of Belfast as the major driver for regional economic growth.  It notes that population decline in the City needs to be reversed in order to have a strong capital city which is the economic driver of Northern Ireland.  Key to this population growth will be the provision of housing to meet the full range of need.  The Council’s Policy approach to PBMSA therefore seeks to manage housing growth and achieve sustainable patterns of development (Policy RG8) and help grow the population of the City (Policy SFG2).

Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS) for Northern Ireland (2015)

2.1.2 The Council is required by the SPPS to secure the orderly and consistent development of land whilst furthering sustainable development and improving well-being.  In furthering sustainable development, the SPPS advises that it is important to manage housing growth in a sustainable way, placing particular emphasis on the importance of the inter-relationship between the location of local housing, jobs, facilities and services, and infrastructure. It is similarly important to successfully integrate transport and land use generally in order to improve connectivity and promote more sustainable patterns of transport and travel.

2.1.3 Whilst there are no direct references to student housing within the SPPS, it notes that planning authorities should seek to facilitate sustainable housing growth in response to changing housing need, support urban regeneration (including proposals to address dereliction and to promote investment in the physical regeneration of deprived areas), progress policies, plans and proposals that can improve the health and well-being of local communities and help build a strong and shared society. Offering a variety of house types, sizes and tenures, such as bespoke PBMSA, will help to meet the diverse needs of all the community.

2.2 Local planning policy

Local Development Plan (LDP) Plan Strategy (PS) 2035

2.2.1 The Plan Strategy (PS) provides the strategic policy framework for the plan area as a whole across a range of topics. It sets out the vision for Belfast as well as the objectives and strategic policies required to deliver that vision. It also includes a suite of topic-based operational policies, including those relating to housing.

2.2.2 The residential accommodation policies within the PS seek to address both current and future residential needs by ensuring sufficient land is made available to meet future housing requirements. The housing policies will therefore aim to ensure an appropriate supply of housing to provide for those with specialist housing need including specialist residential accommodation, including shared forms of housing and purpose-built student accommodation.

2.2.3 While this guidance supplements Policy HOU12: Large scale purpose built managed student accommodation (PBMSA), there are also a range of other relevant policies within the Plan Strategy as illustrated in Figure 2.1.

Local Policies Plan

2.2.4 The Local Policies Plan (LPP) will set out Key Site Requirements (KSRs) for certain land, which may in some cases be relevant to PBMSA development. This may include specific guidance or site-specific matters such as appropriate mix of uses, specific design requirements such as density of development, heights, scale, massing of buildings, etc.

Figure 2.1: Inter-related policies relevant to PBMSA

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1: Inter-related policies relevant to PBMSA description

Topic based policies

Shaping a liveable place

  • HOU3: Protection of existing residential accommodation
  • HOU7: Adaptable and accessible accommodation
  • HOU10: Housing management areas
  • HOU11: Intensive housing nodes
  • HOU12: Large scale Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation
  • DES1: Principles of urban design
  • DES2: Masterplanning approach for major development
  • RD1: New residential developments
  • BH1: Listed buildings
  • BH2: Conservation areas
  • BH3: Areas of townscape character

Building a smart, connected and resilient place

  • TRAN1: Active travel - walking and cycling
  • TRAN2: Creating an accessible environment
  • TRAN3: Transport assessment
  • TRAN4: Travel plan
  • ENV1: Environmental quality
  • ENV2: Mitigating environmental change
  • ENV5: Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)

Local policies plan

  • Local policies designations
  • Land use zonings
  • Key site requirements (KSRs)
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