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Published January 2024

Employment Land Monitor Report


The following summary tables detail the uptake and loss of employment space for the monitoring period (1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023). The position at the 31 March 2023 in terms of the remaining supply of vacant employment land and as well as committed floorspace gains through extant planning permission for B use classes balanced against committed losses (extant planning permission for alternative uses) for Belfast district is also included.

  1. Belfast LGD overview 01 April 2022 - 31 March 2023
    Table 1 provides a breakdown for the completed gains and losses in employment land over the monitoring year period of 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. The total amount of floorspace completed was 60,422m2. The majority of this was in use class B1(a) general offices. The total amount of completed employment floorspace lost to non- employment uses over the monitoring period was 3,826m2. The net change between completed losses and gains was +56,596m2.

  2. Belfast LGD extant and under construction overview
    Table 2 and Figure 1 set out the completions (gains and losses) across two monitor periods (2021 - 2022 and 2022 - 2023) to give an indication of the annual average and the net changes across a greater time period.

  3. Belfast LGD extant and under construction overview
    Table 3 provides overall totals for schemes where development is ongoing and where planning permission remains extant on 31 March 2023. Under construction schemes at the 31 March 2023 have the potential to deliver approximately 28,642m2 of new floorspace. The completion of all schemes yet to start has the potential to deliver approximately 479,565m2 of new employment floorspace. Further analysis of the extant permissions demonstrates that approximately 384,272m2 consist of B1(a) general offices.

  4. Belfast LGD completions (gains) and remaining capacity by location
    Table 4 and Figure 2 set out the completions (gains) by location over the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. It also sets out the remaining capacity by way of extant planning permissions for employment use by location and areas of developable land within existing employment locations (that is, land where there is no development under construction or that does not have an extant planning consent). In line with best practice a 40 per cent building to plot ratio was applied to these areas to reflect the servicing, parking and landscaping requirements. As of the 31 March 2023 there is approximately 306,073m2 of vacant land suitable for employment purposes.

  5. Belfast LGD completions (losses) and remaining potential losses by location
    Table 5 outlines the completed (losses) by location over the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. It also sets out the remaining potential losses of employment uses to non-employment uses if all extant planning permissions are realised. These extant planning permissions are located mostly within the city centre and the rest of the city.

  6. Mixed use sites remaining capacity
    There are four sites zoned for mixed use in draft BMAP (table 6). The yields for Titanic Quarter (BHA01) and Lands at Monagh By-Pass / Upper Springfield Road (BT 002) are captured in table 2 as they consist of extant planning permissions or development under construction. The yields on the remaining two mixed use zonings have been captured from their respective masterplans.
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