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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

9. Community Cohesion and Good Relations Statement

What is it?

Policy CGR1 of the Plan Strategy relates to the consideration of community cohesion and good relations in respect of proposals at interface locations, in close proximity to peace infrastructure and are judged to impact on contested space.

A Community Cohesion and Good Relations Statement sets out how the requirements of Policy CGR1 are addressed.

When is it required?

A Community Cohesion and Good Relations Statement should be provided with all applications for development at interface locations, in close proximity to peace infrastructure, or which would impact upon contested space. However, this does not include minor planning applications such as householder proposals.

What must be included?

A Community Cohesion and Good Relations Statement should set out how each of the policy criteria a. to e. inclusive in Policy CRG1 are addressed. Where a criterion is not satisfied, the statement should provide justification as to why this is the case.

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