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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

50. Waste Management Plan

What is it?

Policy DES1 sets out principles for urban design including protection of amenity and effective placemaking.

A Waste Management Plan ensures that appropriate provision is made for accommodating the total waste generated from a development; facilitating the segregation of waste as necessary; and allowing convenient and safe access and egress for the storage and collection of waste.

When is it required?

A Waste Management Plan should be provided with applications for:

  • new commercial or mixed use developments of 500 sqm or greater; or
  • development that proposes use of communal waste storage (such as apartments, flats, sheltered housing. HMOs and Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation).

What should be included?

The Waste Management Plan should include the information contained in Table 2 (paragraph 4.3.1) of the Waste Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Guidance.


Further guidance on waste management is contained in the Waste Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Guidance.

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