48. Tree Report
What is it?
Policy TRE1 of the Plan Strategy seeks to protect existing trees from new development, particularly those that are of visual, biodiversity or amenity quality and significance, and there will be a presumption in favour of retaining and safeguarding trees that make a valuable contribution to the environment and amenity. The council will adopt the precautionary principle when considering the impacts of a proposed development on trees of visual, biodiversity or amenity quality and significance.
A Tree Report assesses the likely impact of new development on existing trees within or adjacent to the site. It assesses the health, condition and amenity value of the affected trees and proposes mitigation where appropriate. The Tree Report should also set out measures to protect the trees during construction.
When is it required?
A Tree Report should be provided with applications for proposals that have the potential to impact on existing trees on or adjacent to the site (including street trees).
What should be included?
The Tree Report should include the information set out at paragraph 3.3.1 of the Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Guidance.
Further guidance is contained in the Council’s Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Guidance.