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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

34. PBMSA Statement

What is it?

Policy HOU12 of the Plan Strategy states that planning permission will be granted for large-scale Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation (PBMSA) where certain criteria are met.

A PBMSA Statement sets out how the requirements of Policy HOU12 are addressed.

When is it required?

A PBMSA Statement should be submitted with all applications for Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation.

What must be included?

The PBMSA Statement should set out how the proposal addresses criteria a. to e. inclusive of Policy HOU12 of the Plan Strategy. Where a criterion is not satisfied, the statement should provide justification as to why this is the case.

In respect of criterion e., a “statement of student housing need” should be submitted, which addresses the following points:

  1. the specific need that is being addressed, with reference to relevant Corporate Plans published by the city’s further and higher education institutions;
  2. why this need is currently unmet by existing student accommodation stock, implemented and un-implemented planning permissions for PBMSA;
  3. the type of existing accommodation the potential student occupiers are likely to be drawn from;
  4. any recorded increase in student numbers;
  5. university support, if available; 
  6. current waiting lists for student accommodation;
  7. bedspace to student population ratio/percentage comparison to other university cities; and
  8. bank funding available to deliver proposals.


Further guidance is contained in the Council’s Draft Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation Supplementary Planning Guidance.

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