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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

29. Noise Impact Assessment (NIA)

What is it?

Policy ENV1 of the Plan Strategy states that planning permission will be granted for development that will maintain and, where possible, enhance environmental quality, and protects communities from materially harmful development. Development must not result in an unacceptable adverse impact on the environment, including noise.

A Noise Impact Assessment sets out the potential for new development to impact on its surroundings by way of noise and/or vibration. Where necessary, it will include measures to mitigate noise and vibration impacts, particularly if the site is surrounded by sensitive premises such as housing and other residential uses.

When is it required?

A Noise Impact Assessment should be provided with applications where:

  • noise and/or vibration arising from the proposed development has potential to adversely impact on nearby residential property or other noise sensitive premises such as schools or hospitals; or
  • proposed noise sensitive premises or development is likely to be exposed to adverse noise and/or vibration from an existing noise source (e.g. from road traffic/railway/ entertainment venues/sports/leisure facilities/plant noise).

What should be included?

The Noise Impact Assessment should include the information and follow the guidance contained in the Belfast City Council Environmental Protection Advice Note 1 (EPAN 1).


Further guidance is contained in the Council’s Sensitive Uses Supplementary Planning Guidance and Evening and Night-time Economy Supplementary Planning Guidance.

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