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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

23. Housing Mix Statement

What is it?

Policy HOU6 of the Plan Strategy requires housing proposals of a certain scale to provide a suitable mix of house types and sizes. The aim is to promote choice and assist in meeting community needs. There should be particular emphasis on provision for smaller homes across all tenures to meet future household requirements.

A Housing Mix Statement provides details of the proposed mix of house types and sizes.

When is it required?

A Housing Mix Statement should be provided with applications for new residential development on sites greater than 0.1 ha and/or containing 5 or more residential units. It is required for proposals for general housing including dwelling houses, apartments and maisonettes, mixed-use developments, conversions, sub-divisions and changes of use.

For the avoidance of doubt, a Housing Mix Statement is not required for specialist housing including Purpose Built Managed Student Accommodation and residential institutions such as care homes, nursing homes and supported housing schemes.

What should be included?

  1. A “housing mix schedule”, providing information on the number, type and size of each residential unit.
House type Size (sqm) Number of units
For example, three-bedroom four-person detached dwelling    
  1. A written statement that demonstrates how the proposed housing mix has been informed by the following:
  1. analysis of prevailing housing need in the area;
  2. the location and size of the site;
  3. specific characteristics of the development; and
  4. the creation of balanced and sustainable communities.

Where a criterion is not satisfied, the statement should provide justification as to why this is the case.


Further guidance is provided by the Council’s Affordable Housing and Housing Mix Supplementary Planning Guidance

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