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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

22. Heritage Impact Assessment

What is it?

Policy BH1 relates to development affecting the setting of a Listed Building. Planning legislation requires that special regard must be had to the desirability of preserving a Listed Building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.

Policy BH2 relates to proposals for development within or affecting the setting of a Conservation Area. Planning legislation requires that special regard must be hard to the desirability of preserving the character or appearance of a Conservation Area where opportunity does not arise to enhance it; and to enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area where an opportunity to do so does arise.

A Heritage Impact Assessment assesses the impact of new development on built heritage, including the setting of a Listed Building or Scheduled Monument; or the character or appearance of a Conservation Area and its setting.

When is it required?

A Heritage Impact Assessment is required with planning applications for proposals that would:

  • likely significantly impact on the character and appearance of a Conservation Area or its setting; or
  • likely significantly impact on the setting of a Listed Building or Scheduled Monument.

What should be included?

A Heritage Impact Assessment should identify the impacted heritage assets; define and analyse its setting; and assess the change.


A Heritage Impact Assessment can form part of a Design and Access Statement.

Historic environment advice and guidance in the planning process is provided on the Department for Communities’ website (link opens in new window).

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