10. (Outline) Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
What is it?
Policy ENV1 of the Plan Strategy states that planning permission will be granted for development that will maintain and, where possible, enhance environmental quality, and protects communities from materially harmful development. Development must not result in an unacceptable adverse impact on the environment, including consideration of ground contamination, air quality, water quality, noise and light pollution.
Policy NH1 of the Plan Strategy seeks to ensure the protection of the district’s natural heritage and biodiversity.
An Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan provides a framework from which a final Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be developed to avoid, minimise or mitigate any construction effects on the environment.
When is it required?
An Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan should be provided with applications for:
- EIA development (see section 19); or
- Major development in sensitive coastal and harbour areas; and within or in close proximity to, or hydrologically linked to, protected designated sites such as Special Protection Areas (SPA), RAMSAR sites and Areas of Special Scientific Interest (ASSI).
What should be included?
An Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan should include:
- details of all proposed site works, excavations and construction;
- details of all areas to be used for the storage of substrate/spoil including a suitable buffer between location for storage of excavated spoil and construction materials and any watercourses or surface drain present on site or adjacent to site;
- details of the pollution prevention measures to be employed during construction and operation including noise, vibration, dust, ambient air quality and contamination of both land and the water environment;
- detailed drawing plans, demonstrating a suitable buffer between locations for refueling, storage of oil/fuel, concrete mixing and washing areas and any watercourses or surface drain present on site or adjacent to the site; and
- a proposed storm drainage plan designed to the principles of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in order to minimise the polluting effects of storm water on waterways.
Further guidance is available on DAERA's website (link opens in new window).