Indicative Guide – Information Requirements by Type of Application
- Adaptable and Accessible Accommodation Statement
- Affordable Housing Proposal Form
- Air Quality Impact Assessment (AQIA)
- Archaeological Impact Assessment
- Archaeological Site Evaluation
- Biodiversity Checklist
- Biodiversity Survey
- Climate Change Statement
- Community Cohesion and Good Relations Statement
- (Outline) Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
- Contaminated Land Assessment
- Contextual Design Information
- Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment
- Demolition Justification Statement
- Drainage Assessment
- Economic Statement
- Employability and Skills Profile
- Event Management Plan
- Environmental Statement (EIA)
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
- Heritage Impact Assessment
- Housing Mix Statement
- Landscape/Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)
- Landscape/Townscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA)
- Lighting Impact Assessment
- Marketing Statement
- Masterplanning Statement
- Noise Impact Assessment (NIA)
- Odour Impact Assessment
- Office Impact Assessment
- Open Space Statement
- Parking Survey
- PBMSA Statement
- Phasing Plan
- Planning Agreement (Heads of Terms Form)
- Planning Statement Planning Policy Belfast LDP Plan Strategy – various policies
- Residential Quality Statement
- Retail Impact Assessment (and Assessment of Need)
- Sequential Test (main town centre uses)
- Short-term Let Accommodation Statement
- Specialist Housing Statement
- Tall Buildings Design Statement
- Tele-communications Supporting Statement
- Transport Assessment
- Transport Assessment Form
- Travel Plan
- Tree Report
- Viability Assessment
- Waste Management Plan
- Wind Energy Statement