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Published - August 2024

Draft Irish Language Policy

Responsibility and Review

  1. Overseeing the implementation of this Policy is the responsibility of the City Solicitor and Chief Executive. Progress in relation to delivery of the Policy will be reported to the Council’s Language Strategy Working Group and Strategic Policy and Resources Committee. However, each Council Department is expected to play its role in supporting the delivery of the objectives of this Policy.
  2. Managers will ensure cognisance is taken of the Irish Language Policy and the need to promote the Irish language at the earliest stages of any policy-development process elsewhere in the Council.
  3. The Council’s Irish Language Community Stakeholder Forum comprising representatives from Irish language groups and other interested parties from across Belfast will be a key partner in the implementation of this Policy and the wider Language Strategy. This Forum will be provided with an annual progress report and given an opportunity to provide feedback on the implementation of the policy and wider Language Strategy. The Council will also liaise closely with Foras na Gaeilge and any Irish Language Commissioner once appointed.


  1. The Policy will be subject to review after 2 years.
  2. This policy will be reviewed and updated in light of any direction given by central government in relation to the Irish language, and any best practice standards set by an Irish Language Commissioner once appointed. 
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