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Published - August 2024

Draft Equality Impact Assessment

Further steps

At the end of the consultation period, the EQIA report will be revised to take account of all comments received from consultees. An EQIA final decision report will then be submitted to Council to assist them in reaching a decision in respect of the policy. The Council’s decisions will be incorporated into an EQIA final decision report which will set out the consideration given to the impact of alternative policies and mitigating actions. This will complete Step 6 of the EQIA process.

The EQIA final decision report will be made available on the Council’s website.

A system will be established to monitor the impact of the Council’s decision in order to find out the effect on the relevant Section 75 groups. Full details of the monitoring system will be included in the EQIA final decision report.

The results of ongoing monitoring will be reviewed on an annual basis and included in the annual review on progress to the Equality Commission. This will complete Step 7 of the EQIA process.

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