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Published - August 2024

Draft Equality Impact Assessment

Definition of the aims of the policy

The draft policy falls under the Council’s Language Strategy as first adopted in 2018 and since reviewed on a regular basis. The Language Strategy has at its core the need to embrace diversity in the Council’s ambition for Belfast to be a welcoming and inclusive city for all.

In developing the Language Strategy, the Council was mindful of international and domestic legal obligations and standards. The Strategy contains an overarching Language Framework which allows for the development of separate policies on:

  • Irish Language
  • Ulster-Scots Language
  • Other languages (including sign languages)

Working within the context of these linguistic frameworks, the purpose of this draft Policy is to provide specific steps that the Council will follow to promote the Irish language within its own work and to support the growing community of Irish speakers in Belfast.

The aim of this policy is:

In line with the aims of the Language Strategy 2018 - 2023, to promote, protect and enhance the use of the Irish language internally and across the wider Council area in accordance with the six Guiding Principles as agreed by the Council’s Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in June 2022.

These principles are:

  • Changing the perspective on languages in our city to increase the profile of different languages along with awareness and understanding of associated cultures, heritage and traditions.
  • Engaging with language communities to increase equal opportunities and to enhance and protect good relations within the city.
  • Improving organisational capacity to address staff training needs and improve our language capabilities.
  • Working in partnerships with others to promote linguistic diversity across the city to move towards our shared vision of inclusive growth, where no-one is left behind.
  • Identifying and implementing actions in line with agreed priorities to promote, protect and enhance linguistic diversity.
  • Establishing efficient and effective solutions which are proportionate to need, affordable and measurable.
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