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Published - August 2024

Draft Equality Impact Assessment


Belfast City Council is committed to consultation which is timely, open and inclusive and conducted in accordance with the Equality Commission’s Guiding Principles. The consultation process in respect of this EQIA will last for a period of 14 weeks from Thursday 22 August 2024 to midnight on Thursday 28 November 2024.

All Equality Scheme consultees will be notified of the availability of this EQIA report and invited to comment.

A press release will be prepared and issued to various media outlets to make the public aware of the EQIA.

Information about the EQIA will be placed on the Council’s website (including Your Say Belfast) and through other appropriate social media channels.

An online questionnaire survey will be made available for the public and Council staff, along with hard copies for those who are unable to access the material electronically.

Comments will be welcomed from any individual with an interest in the proposals, in whatever format is chosen.

Further engagement with the external consultant for individuals or representatives can be arranged on request.

There will be face-to-face engagement with representatives of the Irish Language communities, including the Council’s Irish Language Stakeholders’ Forum.

The council will make its Ulster-Scots Stakeholders’ Forum, Migrant Forum, Disability Advisory Panel and Sign Language Users’ Forum aware of the consultation and will offer engagement sessions upon request;

The council will arrange and facilitate a series of public consultation events, both in person and online at various locations across the City:

Venue Date Details
St. Mary’s University College Thursday 5 September, 7pm Meeting in English with interpreter present
Online Wednesday 2 October, 2pm Meeting in English with interpreter present
Online Tuesday 8 October, 7pm Meeting in English with interpreter present
An Droichead, Ormeau Road Wednesday 9 October, 6pm Meeting in English with interpreter present
2 Royal Avenue Wednesday 30 October, 4pm Meeting in English with interpreter present

You can register for these events on our YourSay platform.

Members of Council staff will be made aware of the consultation and will have the opportunity to attend in person information and engagement sessions arranged for them.  

All consultation documents can be made available in hard copy, email and alternative formats on request.

As much background information as possible has been included within this report. If there is any information which has not been provided, the Council will make every effort to do so on request. If any consultee has difficulty accessing the background information the Council will consider providing summaries in other formats or explaining issues on a face-to-face basis.

All comments and queries regarding this report should be addressed to:

Irish Language Policy EQIA,

Equality and Diversity Unit,
Belfast City Council,
Belfast City Hall  BT1 5GS

Telephone: 028 9032 0202                   
Freephone: 080 0085 5412

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