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Published January 2025

Draft Corporate Plan 2025-2028

Our city priorities

Our Corporate Plan sets out how we will deliver against the strategic priority areas for action (themes) and the significant ambitions set out within the Belfast Agenda for our city and its people. We are committed to a journey of continuous improvement, delivering strong civic leadership and creating a modern and responsive organisation. We want to continue delivering high quality services whilst continuing to invest in local community assets and facilities.

Our focus for the next three years will include:

Theme 1: Our services 

Delivering responsive and value for money services.

Theme 2: Our organisation 

Ensuring the correct foundations are in place and we continue to be a fit-for-purpose organisation. 

Theme 3: Our people and communities

Making life better for all our residents.

Everyone experiences good health and wellbeing

•    Health inequalities
•    Community and neighbourhood regeneration

Theme 4: Our economy

Creating inclusive, innovative and sustainable growth, learning and opportunity.
Everyone benefits from a thriving and prosperous economy

  • Educational inequalities
  • Jobs and skills
  • Sustainable and inclusive economic growth

Theme 5: Our place

Creating a liveable and connected, vibrant and competitive city.
Everyone fulfils their potential.

  • Housing-led regeneration
  • Connectivity, active and sustainable travel
  • Future city centre and wider regeneration and investment

Theme 6: Our planet

Creating a sustainable and nature-positive city.
Vibrant, attractive, connected and environmentally sustainable.

  • Re-naturing the city and increasing resilience to climate change
  • Creating a sustainable circular economy
  • Innovating to net zero

Theme 7: Compassionate city

Making Belfast a welcoming, caring, fair and inclusive city- leaving no one behind.
Welcoming, safe, fair and inclusive for all.

  • Inclusive growth and anti-poverty
  • Good relations and shared future
  • Older people
  • Younger people

Our Big Ambitions for Belfast by 2035

There are many things that we will need to do with our partners through the Belfast Agenda to make our vision for Belfast a reality. Our ambition is to drive inclusive, sustainable growth, so that we reduce socioeconomic inequalities and create a more environmentally sustainable city.

Success will be measured against the following five targets, that we call our Big Ambitions. It will require hard work, ingenuity and collaborative commitment by the public, private, community and voluntary sectors, working with the people who have a stake in our city’s future. Our corporate plan will play a key role in this.

The five ambititons are:

  • a 33 per cent reduction in the life expectancy gap between the most and least deprived neighbourhoods.
  • our economy will support 46,000 additional jobs.
  • every young person leaving school has a destination that fulfils their potential.
  • our carbon emissions will be reduced by 80 per cent.
  • our city is home to an additional 66,000 people.
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