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Equality Screening Template

Belfast’s Physical Activity and Sport Development Strategy

The Council has a statutory duty to screen. This includes our strategies, plans, policies, legislative developments; and new ways of working such as the introduction, change or end of an existing service, grant funding arrangement or facility. This screening template is designed to help departments consider the likely equality impacts of their proposed decisions on different groups of customers, service users, staff and visitors.    

Before carrying out an equality screening exercise it is important that you have received the necessary training first. To find out about the training needed or any other queries on screening, contact the Equality and Diversity Officer Lorraine Dennis on extension 6027 or Lisa McKee on extension 6310 or by email [email protected]

The accompanying Screening Guidance note provides straightforward advice on how to carry out equality screening exercises. Detailed information about the Section 75 equality duties and what they mean in practice is available on the Equality Commission’s website.

The screening template has 4 sections to complete. These are:

  • Section A - provides details about the policy or decision that is being screened
  • Section B – gives information on the consultation process, supporting evidence gathered and has 4 key questions outlining the likely impacts on all equality groups.
  • Section C - has 4 key questions in relation to obligations under the Disability Discrimination Order  
  • Section D - is the formal record of the screening decision.

Section A

Details about the policy or decision to be screened

1. Title of policy or decision to be screened:-

Our More Active City – Belfast’s Physical Activity and Sport Development Strategy

2. Brief description of policy or decision to be screened:-

Belfast’s strategy for sport and physical activity which was produced in March 2007. The focus was to make Belfast citizens more active and provide more opportunities to take part in sport and physical activity.  This commitment has not changed, and it is reconfirmed through the Belfast Agenda which aims to ensure everyone experiences good health and welling in the city by 2035.

Currently there are no legislative or procurement implications, but the Belfast Agenda compels us to make life better for all our residents and reduce health inequalities.

An active city must address high levels of inactivity and obesity across the population, tackle high levels of mental-ill health and specifically address;

  • Men are more active than women
  • People without a disability participate more than people with a disability
  • Younger people participate more than older people
  • People living in more deprived areas participate less than those living in less deprived areas.

3. Aims and objectives of the policy or decision to be screened:-

Our Vision remains -  A more active City

“Our inclusively active City: where, throughout the life course, everyone is able to take part in sport and physical activity to benefit their health and well-being”

The strategy aims to do more to encourage, enable and support all our residents to be more active every day to contribute to improved community health, well-being and reduced health inequalities.  With limited resources the strategy will enable us to target our resources to where they will have the most impact. We need to do this in partnership while utilising our landscape and current physical infrastructure.

Consultation has identified four shared outcomes;

  • Active Communities – support and developed community assets and activities, to increase physical activity levels and build community resilience
  • Active Environments – built and natural environments, that support and facilitate every-day physical activity, for everyone
  • Healthy Individuals – increased awareness and capability among people who are less active to increase physical activity levels long-term, with a focus on decreasing inequalities
  • Partnerships and Collaborative Working - enhance partnership working to increase physical activity opportunities and participation, in a range of activities across our City

Our new approach will contribute to our Belfast Agenda 2035 targets of:

  • An increased proportion of adults who undertake at least 150 minutes of physical exercise per week
  • An increased proportion of people who rank themselves as having high levels of well-being

A reduced proportion of the population of adults or children who are obese

4. On whom will the policy or decision impact?

Consider the internal and external impacts (both actual or potential) and explain:-

  • Staff: Yes
  • Service users: Yes
  • Other public sector organisations: Yes
  • Voluntary, community groups or trade unions: Yes 
  • Others, please specify: No

5. Are there linkages to other Agencies or Departments?

Yes - including the Belfast Agenda the strategy will link and contribute to a number of agencies and organisations with similar aims and objectives including;

  • Department of Communities – The Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for NI
  • NI Government Health and Well-Being Strategy 2026
  • Health NI – Making Life Better Strategic Framework 2013-2023
  • Sport NI
  • Belfast Health & Social Care Trust
  • Belfast Health Development Unit
  • Department for Infrastructure
  • GLL
  • Disability Sport NI
  • NI Sports Forum
  • Female Sports Forum
  • National Governing Bodies of Sport
  • Community/Voluntary Sector

Section B

Information on the consultation process, supporting evidence gathered and has 4 key questions outlining the likely impacts for equality and good relations.

6. Outline consultation process planned or achieved

In compiling this report we have drawn upon a range of data, research report and strategy documents.  We specifically refer to the following pieces of work:

  • The Belfast Agenda
  • DfC active Living: The Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for NI 2022
  • NI Government Health and Well Being Strategy 2026
  • Health NI – Making Life Better Strategic Framework 2013-2023

Online Survey - YOURSAY Consultation ran for one month from 23 October to 22 November 2022 and received the following responses;

Governing Bodies of Sport – 14

Schools – 5

Others – 157 (including sports clubs, community organisations and individuals)

Consultation and partnership workshops took place with the following organisations;

  • Belfast City Council elected members – Party group briefings
  • Department of Communities
  • SportNI
  • Disability Sport NI
  • Commonwealth Games Council
  • NI Sports Forum
  • GLL – Better Belfast
  • University of Ulster
  • Queen's University
  • Youth Education Health Service
  • SportED NI
  • Volunteer Now
  • Community Sports Network
  • Belfast Health & Social Care Trust
  • Belfast Health Trust
  • Belfast Health Development Unit
  • Public Health Agency
  • Jigsaw
  • Community Organisations
    • Greater Village Regeneration Trust
    • Ballysillan/Upper Ardoyne Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership
    • Greater Shankill Partnership
    • West Belfast Partnership Board
    • Woman is Sport and Physical Activity (WISPA)
  • Governing Bodies of Sport
    • Disability Sport NI
    • NI Sports Forum/Female Sports Forum
    • GAA – Antrim, Ulster & Camogie
    • Ulster Rugby
    • Irish Football Association
    • Athletics NI
    • Ulster Hockey
    • Ulster Tennis
    • Irish Bowls
    • Cycling Ireland
    • British Orienteering
    • NI Futsal Federation

7. Available evidence

What evidence or information (both qualitative and quantitative) have you gathered to inform this policy?  Set out all evidence below to help inform your screening assessment.

It is important to record information gathered from a variety of sources such as: monitoring information; complaints; research surveys; consultation exercises from other public authorities.

Section 75 category Details of evidence, information and engagement
Religious belief Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6
Political opinion Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6
Racial group Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6
Age Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6
Marital status Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6
Sexual orientation Not Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6
Men and women generally Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6
Disability Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6
Dependants Details of the City-wide consultation process and evidence gathering are described in question 6

8. What is the likely impact (indicate if the policy impact is positive or negative) on equality of opportunity for those affected by this policy, for each of the Section 75 equality categories?  What is the level of impact?

Section 75 category Likely impact? Level of impact? Minor, Major or None
Religious belief Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit
Political opinion Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit
Racial group Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit
Age Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit
Marital status Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit
Sexual orientation Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit
Men and women generally Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit
Disability Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit
Dependants Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast Minor positive benefit

9. Are there opportunities to better promote equality of opportunity for people within the Section 75 equalities categories?

Section 75 category If Yes, provide details  If No, provide reasons
Religious belief Not applicable  
Political opinion Yes - through Belfast City Council elected members and People and Communities Committee  
Racial group Through working with ethnic community and sports organisations to better provide support and pathways to participation  
Age Yes, by engaging with older peoples forums and complementing the Age Friendly Action Plan 2022-2026  
Marital status Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast  
Sexual orientation Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast  
Men and women generally Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast  
Disability Yes by engaging with disability groups such as Disability Sport NI, Jigsaw, SOLAS, Positive Futures, Cedar Foundation etc.  
Dependants Our More Active City Strategy will benefit all residents of Belfast  

10. To what extent is the policy likely to impact (positive or negatively) on good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group? What is the level of impact? 

Good relations category Likely impact?  Level of impact? Minor, Major or None
Religious belief Yes, people from all over the city attend sport and physical activity events/programmes together Minor Positive Impact
Political opinion Yes, people from all over the city attend sport and physical activity events/programmes together Minor Positive Impact
Racial group Yes, people from all over the city attend sport and physical activity events/programmes together Minor Positive Impact

11. Are there opportunities to better promote good relations between people of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group?  

Good relations category If Yes, provide details If No, provide reasons
Religious belief Yes, there will be increased opportunities for people from all over the city attend sport and physical activity events/programmes together  
Political opinion Yes, there will be increased opportunities for people from all over the city attend sport and physical activity events/programmes together  
Racial group Yes, there will be increased opportunities for people from all over the city attend sport and physical activity events/programmes together  

Section C

Belfast City Council also has legislative obligations to meet under the Disability Discrimination Order and Questions 12 and 13 relate to these two areas.

Consideration of Disability Duties

12. Does this proposed policy or decision provide an opportunity for the Council to better promote positive attitudes towards disabled people?

Yes. Our More Active City Strategy consultation will provide a platform for more integrated and collaborative working to engage those with disabilities and enable them to participate in sport and physical activity on a similar regular basis as able bodied residents.  Thus, promoting positive attitude changes and opportunities for adapted participation.

13. Does this proposed policy or decision provide an opportunity to actively increase the participation by disabled people in public life?

Yes. The strategy will provide more opportunities for participation in a range of sport and physical activities as both a participant and a coach/leader.  As highlighted in Strategic priority 1- Physical Activity and the participation journey There will be increased opportunities to facilitate active lifestyles on a daily basis through a participation pathway that will cater for all levels of ability and improve accessibility.

14. Multiple identities

Provide details of data on the impact of the policy with multiple identities.

There is no information on the potential impact of the strategy on people with multiple identities. 

We know from research that females, black and ethnic minorities, those with a disability and/or caring responsibilities, are more likely to face increased barriers to participation.  Also, the cumulative impact of other multiple sources of disadvantage (ie low incomes, benefit dependency, low skills levels and qualifications) can combine to create a negative impact on participation. 

However, it is not known how all these factors may combine for people with multiple identities and what (negative) impacts this may have.  It is currently envisaged the strategy will create and enhance opportunities for people with multiple identities to participate in physical activities and sport, resulting in a positive impact.

15. Monitoring arrangements

Section 75 places a requirement the Council to have equality monitoring arrangements in place in order to assess the impact of policies and services etc; and to help identify barriers to fair participation and to better promote equality of opportunity. 

Outline what data you will collect in the future in order to monitor the impact of this policy or decision on equality, good relations and disability duties.

Equality  Good Relations Disability Duties
We will carry out a midway survey, and end of plan survey and monitor comments and complaints We will carry out a midway survey, and end of plan survey and monitor comments and complaints We will carry out a midway survey, and end of plan survey and monitor comments and complaints

Section D

Formal Record of Screening Decision

Title of Proposed policy or decision being screened

Our More Active City – Belfast’s Physical Activity and Sport Development Strategy

I can confirm that the proposed policy or decision has been screened for –

  • equality of opportunity and good relations
  • disabilities duties

On the basis of the answers to the screening questions, I recommend that this policy or decision is:

*Screened in – Necessary to conduct a full EQIA

Screened out – No EQIA necessary (no impacts)

The new strategy for physical activity and sport will have a positive impact on section 75 by increasing equality of opportunity for all. It will promote good relations across the city and raise awareness of the benefits of an active lifestyle on a daily basis through a participation pathway that will cater for all levels of ability and improve accessibility.

* Screened out - Mitigating Actions (minor impacts)

  • Provide a brief note here to explain how this decision was reached:
  • Explain what mitigating actions and / or policy changes will now be introduced:

Screening assessment completed by (Officer level) -

Name: Claire Moraghan
Date: 13 September 2023
Department: City and Neighbourhood Services

Screening decision approved by

Name: Paddy McGrattan
Date: 31 October 2023
Department: Leisure Development Manager, City and Neighbourhood Services

For more information about equality screening contact –

Lorraine Dennis

Equality and Diversity Officer
Belfast City Council
City Hall
Telephone: 028 9027 0511
[email protected]

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