- Foreword
- Community planning partners
- Continuing the Belfast Conversation
- Our vision for Belfast 2035
- Our outcomes – the five things people want for 2035
- Our ambitions
- Enabling change
- Call to action
- Our focus for the next four years
- Theme 1: Our people and communities
- Health inequalities
- Community and neighbourhood regeneration
- Theme 2: Our economy
- Educational inequalities
- Jobs and skills
- Sustainable and inclusive economic growth
- Theme 3: Our place
- Housing led regeneration
- Connectivity, active and sustainable travel
- Future city centre and wider city regeneration and investment
- Theme 4: Our planet
- Re-naturing the city and improving the food system
- Creating a sustainable circular economy
- Innovating to Net Zero
- Theme 5: Compassionate City
- Inclusive growth and anti-poverty
- Good relations and shared future
- Older people
- Children and young people
- Our shared values
- Making it happen
- Our population indicators
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