Our people and communities
We will work to deliver impactful neighbourhood improvements for residents and continue to address key issues at a local level. We will prioritise collaborative engagement to combat health inequalities whilst driving continued investment within our neighbourhoods to alleviate the varied needs within communities. We will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to engage in activities to support active and healthy lifestyles and work collaboratively to improve the quality of life for all our residents across the city.
To support our people and communities, in 2024-25 we will:
Health inequalities
- Develop the Belfast Physical Activity and Sport Development strategy and action plan to create a more active city**
- Develop the Boxing Strategy Action Plan to facilitate the growth and development of boxing across Belfast.
- Develop the Belfast Pitches Strategy and action plan to maximise provision and usage of outdoor pitches**
- In partnership deliver and support a range of health inequality priorities through the Belfast Health Development Unit.
- Increase the number of people using our leisure centres, to participate in sport and physical activity**
- Enhance street cleanliness by delivering a dedicated street cleansing programme for 17,065 streets across the city**
- Complete an improvement plan for a range of parks and open spaces to create a standardised approach to monitor quality and operational standards**
- Continue to deliver the annual Playground Improvement Programme (PIP) to enhance our playgrounds and encourage people to be more active**
- Deliver improvements to parks and open spaces to improve people’s health and wellbeing** including completing the £1.7million upgrades to Pitt Park, commencing the £6million redevelopment of Ballysillan Playing Fields and continuing plans for a major upgrade of Cathedral Gardens.
Community and neighbourhood regeneration
- Implement the recommendations of the review of Belfast City Council Funded advice services**
- Develop and agree a new four-year community support plan (2025-29) to improve how we provide support to our local communities and residents across the city**
- Provide funding and support to community-based advice services across the city to provide dedicated and tailored support to individuals**
- Deliver animation and outreach activities to encourage and engage people to participate in our community, play, leisure development and park programmes**
- Complete a parks and open spaces improvement action plan to achieve the vision of the Belfast Open Spaces Strategy (BOSS)**
- Maintain our Green Flag and Green Flag Heritage Award status across our parks and open spaces to ensure that our residents can access high quality open spaces.
- Deliver the Alley Gate Phase 5 Programme which is designed to help to reduce antisocial behaviour, burglaries, and fear of crime in areas of Belfast.
- Scope a review of all council managed allotment facilities.
- Continue to deliver the Wider University and Lower Ormeau Intervention Programme.
- Continue to develop options for Leisure Transformation Phase 4 aligned to the Physical Activity and Sports Development Strategy and Pitches Strategy,
- Partnership delivery of capital schemes under Urban Villages, Peace PLUS, National Lottery Heritage Fund, Levelling Up Fund, and central government agencies.
- Complete Peace IV projects to enhance community assets and the availability of shared and inclusive spaces**
- Enhance and improve how we engage and involve our residents in decision-making**
- Develop scope and approach to the co-design of placed-based community plans across the city.
We will know we are successful if:
Performance indicators | Targets 2024-25 | Direction of travel |
Number of community, parks, leisure and play outreach programmes delivered** | 100 | Maintain |
Number of adult and junior leisure centre monthly prepaid memberships (including swim school)** | 31,250 | Increase |
Throughput/ footfall – number of people using leisure centres (individual unique customer visits)** | 3.3million | Increase |
Number of outdoor leisure bookings (pitches, bowling greens) | 14,000 | Increase |
Playground capital (£) investment ** | £580K | Maintain |
Number of parks and open spaces improved** | 3+ | Increase and maintain |
Investment in Peace IV projects** | €12m | Increase and maintain |
Number of events in parks | 320 | Increase and maintain |
Numbers attending events in parks | 175,000 | Maintain |
Number of community centre bookings | 33,000 | Increase |
Number of parks with green flag and heritage award accreditation | 20 | Increase and maintain |
Number of advice organisations supported, and amount of funding allocated** | 14 Orgs / 20K clients / £1.3m | Increase and maintain |
Number of partners involved in advice consortia** | 5 | Increase |
Number of participatory budgeting projects supported or delivered** | 2 | Increase |
Number of people supported who are impacted by, or at risk of, chronic homelessness (Belfast Complex Lives initiative) | 50 | Maintain |
*Statutory performance indicators
**Performance Improvement Plan performance indicators