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Our strategies and plans

  • Our strategies

    We want to make Belfast a better place for everyone. And we work closely with our partners to help shape Belfast strategies that will improve our lives.

  • The Belfast Agenda

    The Belfast Agenda is the city’s community plan and its key strategic document. Published in 2017, it outlines a collective vision for the city in 2035 and the outcomes we want to achieve. It was developed by a partnership of organisations involved in delivering services across the city and has been shaped by the important input from our citizens. The Belfast Agenda includes a range of ambitions which have, and will continue, to shape the strategies and action plans of all the city’s community planning partners.

    Find out more about the Belfast Agenda

  • Our Corporate Plan 2020-2024

    The council’s Corporate Plan 2020-2024 is shaped by the Belfast Agenda. It sets out our organisational priorities, our core values and the work that we will do to improve the quality of life for everyone in Belfast over a four-year period.

    Find out more about our Corporate Plan and Improvement Plan

  • Local Development Plan

    The Local Development Plan (LDP) for Belfast sets out the council’s aspirations for the future physical development and growth of the city and the policies that will be used in assessing future planning applications. There is a statutory link between the community plan and the LDP, so the LDP supports the Belfast Agenda’s vision and outcomes to enable the sustainable spatial growth and development of the city.  Belfast Agenda’s vision and objectives have influenced the LDP.

    Find out more about our Local Development Plan

  • Inclusive Growth Strategy

    Our inclusive growth strategy aims to connect all residents with economic growth and ensure that everyone can succeed. It outlines the council’s commitment to adopting business practices that support inclusive growth while engaging with partners to also adopt inclusive growth principles and practices in their work and recognising that communities and citizens are vital in shaping our approach. The commitments within the strategy complement a range of local and regional strategies, plans and policies, including the LDP, the Belfast Agenda and our Corporate Plan.

    Find out more about our  Inclusive Growth Strategy

  • Social Value Procurement Policy

    While seeking to achieve the best commercial outcome from our procurement activities, our aim is to make sure that the buying of goods, services and works achieves value for money by making a positive difference to the people and communities in Belfast. We cannot afford not to - a missed opportunity to deliver social value is a cost that must be absorbed elsewhere in public services.

    Our Social Value Procurement Policy outlines progressive procurement measures to help drive inclusive economic growth, improve the local environment and support vulnerable people.

  • Resilience Strategy

    The Resilience Strategy is the city’s first climate plan. It sets out 30 transformational programmes to transition Belfast to an inclusive, zero-emissions, climate-resilient economy within a generation. It provides a framework to safeguard Belfast against situations that could threaten its safety and stability over coming years and help us deliver our Belfast Agenda priorities.

    Find out more about our Resilience Strategy

  • Belfast Region City Deal

    The Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD) is a bespoke package of investment from central government and BRCD partners of more than £850 million. It aims to foster inclusive economic growth that delivers more and better jobs, a positive impact on the most deprived communities and a balanced spread of benefits across the region. This supports several of the priorities of the Belfast Agenda, along with the delivery of a shared vision for the region.

    Find out more about the BRCD

  • A Bolder Vision for Belfast

    A Bolder Vision outlines the city’s vision to transform the centre of Belfast. It was developed collectively by Belfast City Council, the Department for Infrastructure and the Department for Communities, with broad stakeholder input. To achieve the inclusive growth ambitions described within the Belfast Agenda, the city centre is considered a principal driver in securing investment and creating jobs. A Bolder Vision outlines how a radical approach is needed to address underlying challenges and to reimagine how the city centre works.

    Find out more about the  Bolder Vision for Belfast.

  • Belfast Economic Strategy 2022-2030

    We are currently developing an economic strategy for Belfast to cover the period 2022-2030. Its aim is to support our sustainable and inclusive growth ambitions for the city. It will align with the Department for the Economy’s economic vision for Northern Ireland described in its publication ‘10X Economy - Northern Ireland’s decade of innovation’. Like it, our economic strategy will focus on how we can maximise the return on our investments to benefit all our residents. It will also include a detailed action plan which clearly defines the role of the council and other key stakeholders in driving forward growth in the short, medium, and long-term.

    Find out more about the draft Belfast Economic Strategy 2022-2030

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