Your next step
Are you looking to take the next step in your job and live in Belfast?
We want to help support you on your job journey - whether you’re looking for job advice, redundancy support, or you want to embark on a new career.
On this page you will find useful web links to support and advice from a wide range of different services based in Northern Ireland who can help you with employment and skills advice.
For further advice or to talk to someone about your options, contact us at [email protected] and one of our delivery partners will be in touch.
Support and advice
Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) projects
These 13 Shared Prosperity Funded projects are supporting Belfast residents into work.
Belfast Works Connect supports economically inactive individuals to enter, progress in employment and fulfil their personal potential through a wraparound package of support. Your client journey will consist of engagement, one to one personalised action planning, personalised employability and skills pathways, personalised employment support leading to employment or volunteering opportunities, and aftercare support to address any crisis points or barriers and ensure a smooth transition.
Organisations: Upper Springfield Development Trust [Lead Partner], East Belfast Mission, GEMS NI, Impact Training, Ashton Community Trust
For more information, visit (link opens in new window), or call 028 9032 2003.
Building Futures provides a holistic, person-focused approach to supporting some of the hardest to reach women across Greater Belfast to improve their confidence, self-efficacy, life and work skills. It offers training in areas such as DIY, construction skills, employability skills, personal development and goal setting, business start-up and numeracy and IT skills. Each participant is supported through one-to-one sessions with a dedicated mentor and will have the opportunity to access a training bursary to enable them to gain specialised qualifications to support them into employment. Building Futures has established links with employers who have committed to providing work taster days and work experience, attending ‘meet local employers’ events, interview and cv skills support, and interviews for job opportunities.
Organisations: WOMEN'STEC (Training, Enterprise and Childcare) [Lead Partner], Bolster Community, Women in Business.
For more information, email [email protected] or call 028 9074 9810.
Empower is an employment support programme for adults who are economically inactive, have a disability, health condition, or identify as being autistic or neurodivergent. Empower helps people to prepare for work, get into work and supports them while in work. It’s delivered by a partnership of three leading local disability organisations who share and exchange of knowledge and expertise. Empower will support 2,000 adults into work over the next two years.
Organisations: Ulster Supported Employment Limited (USEL) [Lead Partner], Disability Action NI and Specialisterne NI
For more information, email [email protected] or call 07833 208369.
Explore Enterprise Support Service supports economically inactive individuals to develop a range of skills (interpersonal, enterprise and employability) through personalised one-to-one support including mentoring, workshops, a qualification, and coordinating additional support from the wider support ecosystem. The service provides an insight into starting a business or allows participants to take the first steps to gaining employment. The service aims to identify and address the obstacles preventing individuals from becoming self-employed or entering the workforce, ensuring a smooth transition towards economic activity. We also collaborate with the wider support ecosystem to offer additional holistic assistance and guidance.
Organisations: Enterprise Northern Ireland Ltd [Lead Partner]; Enterprise Agencies: Ballymena, Banbridge, Carrickfergus, Craigavon Industrial Development Organisation, Cookstown, Down, East Belfast, Causeway, North West, Fermanagh, Inspire, LEDCOM, Lisburn, Mallusk, Newry, North City, North Down, Omagh, Ormeau, Ortus, Roe Valley, Strabane, Work West, Workspace and Prince's Trust NI
For more information, email [email protected] or call 077195 30627.
Maximise Employment is available to all eligible economically inactive NI residents. We aim to empower our clients to give them the skills that employers want by offering practical help and support to transition them back into meaningful employment.
The support lasts an average of eight weeks and sessions include CV and confidence building, interview skills and tips on job-searching. As part of our commitment to our client’s success, we provide a weekly allowance to support them during their employability journey, access to fully funded external training courses, and training to improve their numeracy skills. There are also several sessions built into the programme to help clients once they secure employment to deal with any issues faced in the transition back into employment which is vitally important as far as sustainability is concerned.
Organisation: Bryson Charitable Group
For more information, email [email protected].
Moving Forward Moving On (MFMO) provides intensive mentoring support for those furthest away from the labour market, facing multiple barriers to progression, targeting those who were previously excluded from mainstream education, are not in education, training or employment (NEET), and those with a history of offending.
Three key elements are:
- Addressing multiple barriers to progression [soft skills]
- Effective signposting to support services; and
- Progression monitoring and support.
In addition to intensive mentoring support, participants will receive accredited courses in employability skills, life skills and personal development. The project is based in Nelson Street, Belfast and works primarily in the Greater Belfast area.
Organisations: Extern [Lead Partner] and Business and the Community.
For more information, email [email protected] or call 028 9027 8189 or 07436 831556.
PROSPER is a unique collaborative programme delivered by a partnership of five organisations, offering distinct opportunities and support, drawing on experiential learning within award-winning social enterprises, highly effective employment services and bespoke employer-focused academies. PROSPER will “engage with economically inactive people, including those with a disability to participate in opportunities to get results and retain employment achieving success” and support individuals to gain and sustain employment, increase numeracy level and life skills, maximise inclusion, reduce poverty, increase health and wellbeing, progress in their career and realise their full potential.
Organisations: Triangle Housing Association Ltd [Lead Partner]; Access Employment Ltd; Appleby Trust; Compass Advocacy Network; Stepping Stones NI.
For more information, email [email protected] or call 028 2766 6880.
SkillSET aims to provide employment support for those with convictions. Niacro SkillSET Project Workers walk alongside participants on their journey towards employment, empowerment, and independence as they prepare for release from prison or continue their rehabilitation in the community after receiving a conviction.
SkillSET is for adults in Northern Ireland with a conviction who would like support with employment or support to pursue vocational training and employment in:
- construction
- hospitality, leisure and tourism
- warehousing
Our project provides practical advice and guidance - tailored to your needs. We can provide support with access to training, qualifications, work experience and employment. Our team is friendly and will never judge, and we can provide support for up to six months after getting a job to provide holistic support and reduce the risk of reoffending.
Organisation: Niacro
For more information, email [email protected] or call 028 9032 0157.
SkillSET: (SET – Support, Employment, Training) will deliver an innovative programme of specialist employment preparation and training with particular emphasis on those with disabilities and or health conditions across Northern Ireland through a partnership of seven regional and national disability voluntary sector organisations, all with vast experience of supporting economically inactive people towards securing sustainable employment.
Organisations: Action Mental Health (AMH) [Lead Partner]; Cedar Foundation; Orchardville; NOW Group; Royal National Institute of Blind People; Mencap; Adapt NI
For more information, email [email protected] or call 028 9027 8283.
Women Breaking Barriers NI engages women in training and skills development through intensive wrap-around support and programmes with proven benefits in improving wellbeing. Training includes the GOALS motivational programme, WorldHost Customer Service and a bespoke Health and Social Care programme which increases interpersonal and life skills. Participants can take part in a variety of job-searching activities such as CV building, inspirational talks and money management workshops. Afterwards they are supported to progress onto further training or employment. Eligibility may include women who are not in paid work and may include groups such as mums with young children, women with disabilities, refugees, BAME women, those seeking career change or getting back into work.
Organisations: Women's Resource and Development Agency (WRDA) [Lead Partner]; Northern Ireland Rural Women’s Network; Women's Support Network; Atlas Women’s Centre; Ballybeen Women’s Centre; Falls Women’s Centre; Footprints Women’s Centre; Greenway Women’s Centre; Shankill Women’s Centre; Windsor Women’s Centre.
For more information, email [email protected] or call 028 9023 0212.
Work It Out supports those with low or no qualifications in maths. Participants will be provided with mentoring support and into learning pathways, either through entry level to level two qualifications, or to non-qualification numeracy modules aimed at meeting identified needs, such as, helping with homework, managing home finances or math for DIY. Bespoke mentoring support will meet individual needs, for example job search, employment support, reducing barriers to learning and widening opportunities. Numeracy classes will be either face to face or by Zoom.
Organisation: Dairy Farm People First Ltd
For more information, email [email protected] or call 07786 272022.
YouthStart (Springvale Training Ltd) offers an innovative approach to developing the skillset of people who are currently economically inactive; improving confidence, increasing work readiness, and providing opportunities for them to enter the workforce within Belfast’s economic growth sectors. Each cohort runs for a period of 20 weeks. All participants undertake essential skills training with a strong emphasis on numeracy and all completers will achieve at least a Level 1 numeracy qualification.
The following illustrates some of the supports participants will access: personal action plans, mentoring, one-to-one support, referrals where appropriate to specialist services, group sessions, access to Employability, IT, Numeracy Tutors, Employer Liaison Officer, Health & Wellbeing Officer, industry specific training, qualifications, job search training, multi-CV development, interview techniques, presentation skills, digital or IT skills development.
Organisation: Springvale Training Limited
For more information, email [email protected] or call 07485 394456.
YouthStart (Lead Partner – Youth Action NI) is an exciting new NI wide youth employability partnership initiative involving seven leading youth work charities. It uses a youth work approach to build young people’s skills for life, learning and work. The consortium partners deliver employability, specialist life and basic skills support to grow young people’s confidence, skills and improve prospects to enter, sustain and progress in the labour market. Project activities, delivered at local level across 11 councils, will use a flexible youth work approach in safe spaces in local youth, and community settings.
Organisation: YouthAction Northern Ireland [Lead Partner]; Bytes Project; Princes Trust NI; Start360; Springboard Opportunities Ltd; Include Youth; NI Youth Forum
Clare Conlon, [email protected]
Further information
If you would like to receive a SlideDeck with more information on each of these SPF Projects, email [email protected].
Gateway to Choices
Our Gateway to Choices service aims to support Belfast residents who aren’t currently working, but would like to get a job, or return to work.
For further advice or to talk to someone about your options, contact our Gateway to Choices Service).
Job search advice
Belfast City Council Our open vacancies and advice Northern Ireland Civil Service Specific employer vacancies HSCNI Specific employer vacancies
nidirect Assistance and guidance on how to apply for work including.
- CV and cover letter writing
- Interview support
- Career planning
- Transferable skills
Employment support for people with disabilities or health conditions Specialist advice and support Work schemes for people with disabilities or health conditions Specific programmes that will help and support individual needs -
Redundancy support
Contact Redundancy support Claim for redundancy Claim redundancy allows employees who have been made redundant to apply for statutory redundancy payments, and employer representatives to submit relevant information online. General Redundancy Advice Redundancy advice in these areas:
- Collective redundancies
- Coping with redundancy
- Managing your money if your job is at risk
- Redundancy and benefits
- Redundancy pay
- Redundancy Service and advice video
- Redundancy: new employment
- Redundancy: selection and notice periods
- Redundancy: your right to consultation
- Voluntary redundancy
- Your rights if made redundant
- Your rights if your employer is insolvent
Belfast Employment Academies (Pathways)
Employment academies provide tailored training to help people get jobs and help businesses with their recruitment. An employment academy is a short, intensive training programme. Academy participants must be Belfast residents.
Get new skills
Belfast Employment Academies (Pathways)
Employment academies provide tailored training to help people get jobs and help businesses with their recruitment. An employment academy is a short, intensive training programme. Academy participants must be Belfast residents.
If you’re looking for a job, or need advice on choosing or changing career, careers advisers are available offering information and support for all ages.
Go ON NI works in partnership with other organisations to provide free digital training and events. This page has a list of the organisations involved, what they offer and contact details for more information.
As an apprentice you will be a new or existing employee, in a Northern Ireland-based company, working with experienced staff to learn and develop your skills.
The Apprenticeships programme offers training, across a wide range of apprenticeships, to people aged 16 and over. Terms and conditions apply if you are 25 years and over.
Specialist support
If you’re looking for a job, or need advice on choosing or changing career, careers advisers are available offering information and support for all ages.
Employment support for people with disabilities or health conditions
Specialist Advice and Support
Work schemes for people with disabilities or health conditions
Specific programmes that will help and support individual needs
Information on the support available from Belfast City Council to help you start your own business or become self-employed.
Advice and Guidance on how to become self employed and start up your own business
Worksheet and guidance notes about applying for Housing Benefit Rate Relief if you're self-employed.
Job Growth Areas in Belfast
Green Economy (Retrofit) In our vision for what our city will look like in 2035 (the Belfast Agenda) we committed to environmental sustainability. The high targets that have been set, both locally and nationally, for net-carbon zero can only be met through improving the energy efficiency of homes and buildings in our city. To achieve this, we will need both new roles to be created as well as upskilling existing people who work within the construction and allied sectors. Thousands of opportunities will be created for people to work in the world of retrofitting. These are needed now and for the future. Professional Services and Technology According to official data sources, the Professional Services and Technology sectors in NI represent the fastest growing areas of our economy. Anticipated job growth and opportunity is already outstripping the current supply of qualified talent, leading to competitiveness and staffing issues. Jobs in this area include everything from back office administration posts to roles in cyber-security, financial technology (fintech), software development and much more.