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Community Safety

Bogus callers

  • What is a bogus caller?

    A bogus caller is a person who visits or calls someone under false pretences, typically for the purpose of theft or fraud.

    You should always be aware when someone you don't know calls at your door or makes an attempt to telephone you from an unknown number. 

  • What to do if you receive a visit from a bogus caller

    Call the police and tell them what has happened, making sure to describe the caller as best you can.

    You should also tell your neighbours, community groups and local Neighbourhood Watch scheme, in case the caller decides to try other homes in your area.

    You can also call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you prefer to speak to someone anonymously.

  • More information

    To get information and advice on avoiding scams, go to scamwise (link opens in new window) on nidirect.

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