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Roselawn Cemetery

  • Roselawn Cemetery location and opening hours


    129-131 Ballygowan Road
    BT5 7TZ

    Enter from the Ballygowan Road.

    Roselawn Cemetery opening hours 

    The cemetery is open for visits at these times.

    Month Day Open 
    1 March to 31 March Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm
    Sunday 10am to 6pm
    1 April to 30 September Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8am to 6pm
    Tuesday and Thursday 8am to 8pm
    Sunday 10am to 6pm
    1 October to 31 October Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm
    Sunday 10am to 6pm
    1 November to 28 February Monday to Saturday 8am to 4pm
    Sunday 10am to 4pm

    Roselawn Cemetery office opening hours

    Roselawn Cemetery Office is currently closed. Contact our Bereavement Services Office by email [email protected] or call 028 9027 0296 if you have a query. Our opening hours may vary during public holidays. 

  • How to get to the cemetery

    Take Ulsterbus no. 12 from Laganside bus centre, Oxford Street in Belfast city centre. Car-parking is permitted on most roads but there is a five miles per hour speed limit throughout the site. Disabled parking is also available. 

    Access to graves in the older sections and many of the memorial trees is restricted. The cemetery site office has a ramp and a low-level counter for disabled visitors. Accessible toilets are also available.

    Free bus service

    There is a free bus service to and from Roselawn Cemetery and the City of Belfast Crematorium.

  • Roselawn Cemetery burial plots

    Roselawn Cemetery is Belfast’s main municipal cemetery. It opened in 1954 and is also home to the City of Belfast Crematorium.

    Roselawn is currently the only graveyard we operate with new burial plots available. We provide a grave burial service and do not offer natural burials in the cemetery.

    Roselawn Cemetery has received the Green Flag (link opens in new window), which recognises the best open spaces in the UK, picking up the award from 2011 to 2021.

  • Water supply information

    There is no running water in sections U, T, S, V or R of the cemetery. 

    You can get water from:

    • sections P, W and Y;
    • outside taps at the front of the office;
    • the service yard; and
    • all other buildings.
  • Cremations at Roselawn

    The City of Belfast Crematorium is located in Roselawn Cemetery grounds.

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