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Recycling workshops

  • Free recycling workshops and events

    We run a range of recycling events and workshops to help your school, community group or business reach recycling goals.

    All our events and workshops are free. Email [email protected] for more information about our recycling sessions.

  • Community initiatives

    We can visit community groups, businesses and other organisations to provide waste and recycling workshops, including:

    • recycling talks and seminars
    • cookery demonstrations showing how to reduce food waste
    • informal chats at coffee mornings
    • information stands at events.

    We can also create tailored sessions for your group based on your requirements. 

    Email [email protected] for more information or to book a visit.

  • Educational initiatives

    We provide an extensive free recycling education programme for schools.

    All sessions link in with the curriculum as well as contributing towards achieving the Eco-Schools Green Flag award. We can also offer help and advice to schools working on the Eco-Schools programme (link opens in new window).

    We may also run new programmes, competitions and initiatives throughout the academic year. 

    Keep up to date on upcoming initiatives by emailing [email protected] and we will ask your permission to add you to our mailing list.

    Key stage 1

    Our programme includes:

    • Outdoor environmental games - using games and activities to learn about litter, recycling and nature (30 minutes)
    • The story of paper - a general recycling talk with a specific focus on paper (30 minutes)
    • Dig for Victory - compares recycling and food waste issues today with those during World War II (30-45 minutes, and can include a planting activity). 

    Key stage 2

    Our programme includes:

    • Environmental trail – outdoor session with pupils, in groups, working their way through 14 rhyming clues and working out the answers as they go, followed by environmental games (45 minutes)
    • General recycling talk (30 minutes)
    • Paper making workshop - turn your classroom into a paper recycling factory (60 minutes) 
    • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle quiz - interactive recycling quiz (45 minutes)

    We can also adapt programmes based on your requirements, for example, to focus on a particular material or waste-related issue. 

    Key stage 3

    Our programme includes: 

    • Let’s talk rubbish - debating workshop where pupils get the chance to air their views on a range of current litter and recycling issues
    • Designing the Circular Economy (aimed at technology classes in year 9 and 10). Students learn more about the circular economy and, working in groups, design their own new product or service that must adhere to circular economy principles, including ease of repair, durability, materials used and recyclability. 
  • Further and Higher Education

    Sessions are also available for further and higher education bodies, for both students and staff.

    Email [email protected] for more information.

  • Book an activity

    To book a session, email [email protected]

  • Free wormeries for schools and community organisations

    Wormeries are a great way of recycling food waste into rich compost and liquid plant food.

    Schools and community groups in Belfast can apply for a free Worm Works wormery. If your application is successful, your school will receive:

    • a wormery
    • one kilogramme of composting worms
    • an electronic information pack about how to use your wormery including how to set it up, what to feed the worms and answers to common questions.

    The design of the wormery makes it easy to use, to see what the worms are doing and to extract the finished compost.

    How to apply for a wormery

    Wormeries are available on a first-come, first-served basis to schools and community organisations in the Belfast City Council area. This scheme is not open to individuals or households.

    You can apply by emailing [email protected]

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