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Educational initiatives

  • About our educational initiatives

    Email [email protected] to find out more about our educational initiatives.

  • Terrible Tales of Trash

    Targeted at Key Stage 2 (Primary 5 to 7), 'Terrible Tales of Trash' has been created to help young people understand that rubbish and waste has always been a problem in our world and that it’s not just a modern-day issue. The show will explore the effect rubbish and waste has on our planet. Not only does it make the place look messy and uncared for, but it can also damage the lives and homes of the animals and wildlife we share this planet with.

    Throughout the show you will discover how our ancestors dealt with their waste, what ideas they came up with and whether we have learnt anything along the way.Characters from different time periods such as cavemen, ancient Greeks, medieval times, and World War II will be brought back to life to explain how they dealt with their waste.

    Unfortunately, this show is now fully booked. However, if you would like more information on other workshops and initiatives on the topic of litter and waste, email the Environmental Education Outreach team at [email protected].

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