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Interactive maps

We have developed a range of interactive maps which offer the opportunity to explore various planning-related information across the city.

View existing zonings and designations of relevance to the Plan Strategy. These existing zonings and designations contained in the draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP) 2015, insofar as it relates to the Belfast City Council Plan Area, will continue to inform decision-making during the transition period until the Local Policies Plan (LPP) is adopted.

Information on the location and details of sites monitored as part of the most recent Housing Land Availability Monitor

Information on the location and details of sites monitored as part of the most recent Employment Land Monitor.

Information on the location and details of the TPOs and conservation areas within the Belfast City Council area.


If you have any queries or you would like to provide feedback on any of our Interactive Maps, email [email protected] and include ‘Interactive Maps’ in the subject line, or call us on 028 9050 0510.

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