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Pre-loved toy appeal overwhelmed with donations

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Date: 24 Nov 2022


Generous donations to Belfast City Council’s first pre-loved toy appeal continue to flood into recycling centres ahead of the festive season.

Deputy Chair of Council’s People and Communities Committee, Councillor Sarah Bunting called into Ormeau Recycling Centre to make her donation to the appeal alongside some of our charity partners, Michael Sloan of East Belfast Mission and Anne Crossan of St Vincent DePaul. The charity Save the Children will also benefit from donations to the scheme.

Donated pre-loved toys have been collected and distributed to local charities that are selling them in their shops at a reduced rate or sending them directly to families most in need. Recycling centres have also reported a decrease in the amount of waste going to landfill as old toys have been given a new lease of life through the campaign.

A wide range of items can be donated at any of the council’s four recycling centres, including bikes, scooters, dolls, prams, jigsaws, board games, books and DVDs. Donated toys and items, suitable for children of all ages, must be clean, complete, working and in good condition. Pre-loved toy donations can be accepted at any of the council’s four recycling centres up until Sunday 11 December.

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