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Belfast City Council launches additional test trading opportunities at Kennedy Centre

Date: 21 Oct 2024

 John Jones, Centre Manager, Councillor Sam Nelson, Chair of City Growth and Regeneration Committee, and local business owner Úna Méabh O’Hanlon launch new test trading scheme at Kennedy Centre.

A successful test trading scheme for fledging businesses is being extended across Belfast, beginning with opportunities at the Kennedy Centre.

Eligible new and start-up businesses in Belfast can test trade at the west Belfast venue up to five times between 21 October 2024 and 31 March 2025, with applications now open at

The expansion follows a pilot initiative at St George’s Market, designed by Belfast City Council, where 18 new businesses have been supported so far this year to sell their wares, for free, to gain customer feedback, refine sales and marketing tactics, reach new audiences and get valuable peer support.

Many have gone on to trade at the market on a casual basis or explore other outlets for their products or services, with support from the council’s Enterprise and Business Growth team.

“As a council, we recognise that managing cash flow during the early stages of business activity provides specific barriers when moving from an idea to reality and it can be a financial risk to take that next step,” said Councillor Sam Nelson, Chair of the council’s City Growth and Regeneration Committee.

“Placing your business idea or product on public display can be a daunting prospect, but our dedicated council staff are available to support businesses with advice, access to other resources and help with the next steps, as part of this opportunity, which we hope to expand to other venues city-wide.

“Our wraparound support includes helping to secure future business premises as well as accessing other council support, like our Vacant to Vibrant grant scheme to bring unused properties back into use.”                                                                         

With footfall of over 70,000 people per week, Kennedy Centre Manager John Jones believes his venue offers an ideal shop window for new entrepreneurs to test their profitability. 

“We pride ourselves on helping start-ups develop into more long-term sustainable businesses, with a number of success stories who started off on our mall floor, have grown organically and now have successful businesses trading from our shop units,” he said.

“The main benefit of trading from the Kennedy Centre is a guaranteed footfall throughout the year, with nearly four million customers visiting annually. We look forward to being able to help more start-up businesses grow and develop in their time here."

Local business owner Úna Méabh O’Hanlon from Connect the Dots started out trading in the Kennedy Centre herself and is now developing her business further at the nearby Innovation Factory.

“Trading at the Kennedy Centre had a tremendous impact on my business. Being in such a high traffic centre meant my products were in front of a huge number of people every day, many of whom had never heard of us before,” she said.

“It was the perfect way to experiment with a retail space but, with a low-cost setup, allowing me to test the water without a long-term commitment and making it financially manageable for my small business. The direct engagement with customers was a huge benefit and getting real-time feedback on products has been invaluable for shaping my range. All in all, the trading experience has been a fantastic stepping stone for growth.”

To be eligible to test trade at the Kennedy Centre, business owners must be based in Belfast, a current or past participant of the council’s business support programmes, including Go Succeed, have been in business for less than two years and not currently have a trading premises or space for their venture. 

For more information, visit

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