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IT training

Procurement Portal Requisitioner (Belfast City Council staff only)

  • Course duration

    One day: 9.30am to 4.30pm

  • Course description

    This course is aimed at staff who have a General Finance Procurement Role and who will be creating and dealing with requisitions and the subsequent orders that are created.

  • Course agenda

    Exercise Details
    Session 1: Creating and viewing requisitions

    Exercise 1 : Creating a Requisition for a catalogue item (CAT)
    Exercise 2 : Creating a requisition, copying a line and editing it and saving it as a draft
    Exercise 3 : Creating an adhoc requisition using a generic item and adding an attachment
    Exercise 4 : Shop using old purchase orders and templates and putting a shopping cart on hold
    Exercise 5 : Using Banner Punchout to create a requisition and using Line Override
    Exercise 6 : Viewing requisitions and attachments
    Exercise 7 : Releasing a draft requisition

    Session 2: Viewing and dealing with orders Exercise 8 : Viewing orders
    Exercise 9 : Revising an order and viewing revisions
    Exercise 10 : Viewing and amending a rejected order.
    Exercise 11 : Cancelling an order
    Session 3: Goods Receipting Exercise 12 : Receipting goods and services using the Orders workbench and viewing receipts
    Exercise 13 : Receipting using the Receipts area
    Exercise 14 : Receipting an order using Orders Requiring Receipt.
    Exercise 15 : Processing returns and credits
    Exercise 16 : Cancelling a goods receipt using the Orders screen
    Session 4: Enquiries Exercise 17 : Using Linked Enquiry
  • Goals and objectives of course


    1. To show how the Procurement Portal can be used to order goods and services in line with Belfast City Council’s Procure to Pay Processes.


    After completing this course the user will be able to:

    1. Log into the Finance system and access the Procurement Portal;
    2. Create requisitions for different item types, such as Catalogue items, Service Contract requisitions and Generic Goods.
    3. Saving a requisition as a draft and releasing it;
    4. Add and view attachments;
    5. Editing an order and viewing the revisions;
    6. Cancel and complete orders;
    7. Receipt goods and services;
    8. Cancelling a goods receipt;
    9. Process returns and credits on an order;

    Use the Search facilities to search for requisitions and orders.

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