Date: Thursday 20 March 2025, 10am to 12.30pm
Venue: The MAC
Category: Arts and culture, Free

If you work in a heritage organisation, book your place for a session on shaping the next steps for Belfast's heritage sector.
In 2024, we engaged with people working in Belfast's heritage sector, through the Belfast Heritage Sector Audit and Roadmap for Delivery. As follow-up, we are organising a presentation, workshop and networking event.
The event will share findings from the study and help to shape next steps to make sure Belfast’s heritage sector is more resilient, inclusive, and better connected.
This event is for large and small heritage organisations, people who work in the heritage sector or with a hobby that involves heritage. We invite you to help design a programme that reflects the needs of heritage organisations and projects.
It is free to attend but you need to book. To book your place, email [email protected] by Monday 17 March 2025. There will be tea, coffee and refreshments at the event.
This event is delivered by Starling Start on behalf of Belfast City Council, working in partnership with Belfast’s heritage sector.