This baes a draft Ection Plen acroass aa o’ the leid strands in the Cooncil’s Leid Strategy 2018 – 2023.
The Cooncil launched hit’s Leid Strategy in Aprille 2018. The strategy commits tae the settin ap o’ a transparent set o’ principles tae heft, bield an’ mak’ betther the leid diversity o’ the city. Thaire ir five leid strands wi’ in the strategy:
- Airish
- Ulster-Scots
- Minority Ethnic Commonities
- Sign Leids (British Sign Leid an’ Airish Sign Leid)
- Disability Communications
This strategy baes organised oan thematic strands o’ waark settin’ oot hoo the Cooncil wul deliver oan hit’s commitments in the leid plen. Hit identifies both immediate priorities an’ lang tim’ goals. Quyhles hit’ll bae airted aa immediate priorities tae stairt wi’, hit’s oor hope tae deliver aa o’ the priorities identified wi’in the lif’tim’ o’ the plen.
The Cooncil’s Laa an’ Civic Services Depairtment wul hae owreaa responsibility fer monitorin’ progress oan the priorities in the Ection Plen. Hooiniver hit’s ap tae ivry Cooncil Depairtment tae mak’ siccar at the Leid Strategy an’ this Ection Plen infoarms delivery o’ thair waark. This ection plen wul bae reviewed ivry yeir wi’ apdate reports brocht tae the Electred Member Leid Statutory Waarkin Curn at reports tae the cooncil’s Strategic Policy an’ Resources Committee.
- 1.0 Access tae Cooncil Services
- 2.0 Brandin’
- 3.0 Commonity Education an’ Business
- 4.0 Staff Awareness an Trainin’
- 5.0 Engagement
- Annex 1 – Intherim Approach fer selected leids fer Minority Ethnic Commonities
1.0 Access tae Cooncil Services
Leid |
Ection |
Depairtment (Resourcin. tae bae confirmend) |
Immediate Priority |
Langer Tim’ Priority |
1.1 |
Aa Leids |
Gien a heftin tae interpretation an’ owresettin service acroass cooncil. |
Aye |
1.2 |
Minority Ethnic Commonities |
Tae leuk intae the forderin o' a signpostin’ wittens base taakin in adwice available noo aboot hoo tae uise public services in Bilfawst through differ leids an’ a speirin intae quhat micht bae available aaready heftin’ thae wittens. |
Aye |
1.3 |
Minority Ethnic Commonities |
Tae cairry oan gien guid quality automated owresettin software oan ootby wabsteid. |
Aye |
1.4 |
Disability Communications |
Tae forder steerins tae heft depairtments in accessibility tae cooncil paipers, sources an’ Facilities fae a perspective o’ disablement |
Aye |
1.5 |
Airish |
Maakin an’ Heftin a [email protected] epoast address an’ wabsteid paige shewin’ the public hoo tae get oantae iz in Airish. |
Aye |
1.6 |
Airish |
Codify arrangements fer uise o’ Airish in Cooncil meetins. |
Aye |
1.7 |
Aa Leids |
Mak’ siccar at Cooncil rin daeins an’ festivals hae regaird tae the heftin o’ differ leids an’ encourage the houlin o’ apt daeins in City Haa. |
Aye |
1.8 |
Airish |
Forder a leet o’ cooncil paipers tae proectivly bae maide available. in Airish. |
Aye |
1.9 |
Minority Ethnic Commonities |
Tae gie wittens oan the wabsteid (an’ City Matthers) aboot hoo tae uise the owresettin function oan the wabsteidither leids. Hoo tae tellyphone the cooncil uisin BigWord an' axin fer an’ interpreter. |
Aye |
1.10 |
Airish |
Forder a protocol fer gien press statements in Airsh quhar the subject baes sib tae Airish ir baes adae wi’ a key cooncil strategic initiative quhar the subject bae adae wi’ Airish quhar resources/timin’ aloo. |
Aye |
1.11 |
Airish |
Airish leid content wul bae gien acroass Cooncil’s social media pletfoarms quhan the subject baes adae wi’ Airish an’ quhar resources ir timin’ permit. |
Aye |
1.12 |
Aa’ Leids |
Quhar hit’s possible requests tae owreset social media content intae ither leids quhan hit’s adae wi’ adae wi’ specific daeins ir celebrations wi’ cooncil inpit wul bae ‘greed tae. |
Aye |
1.13 |
Sign Languages |
Tae gie clear description oan wabsteid an City o’ quhat services can bae gat in sign leid baer members o’ the public. |
Aye |
1.14 |
All languages |
Forder an approach tae gie regular content in ither leids in City Matthers, tae bae fordered in line wi’ ‘greed parameters aa Annex 1. |
Aye |
1.15 |
Aa leids |
Review protocols fer staff tae heft non-inglis speakin’ customers tae tak’ in a code o’ courtesy fer indigenous leids an gie cultural awareness trainin’.
Aye |
1.16 |
Aa leids |
Audit Cooncil staff tae access leid capability. |
Aye |
1.17 |
Airish |
Forder a corporate Airish leid policy taakin in an’ approach tae signage.] |
1.18 |
Ulster-Scots |
Forder a corporate Ulster-Scots leid policy taakin in approach tae signage. |
Aye |
1.19 |
Aa Leids |
Tak’ consideration o’ chansts fer forderin leid skeels in staff forderin process. |
Aye |
1.20 |
Sign Leids |
Tae graw proveesion o’ Sign Leid owresettin oan weill laiked pages o’ wabsteid. |
Aye |
1.21 |
Aa leids |
Tae mak’ siccar operatin’ pairtners laike GLL gie apt leid interpretation an’ owresettin’ services. |
Aye |
1.22 |
Airish |
Leuk aa providin’ simultaneous interpretation fer members wantin tae address cooncil in Airish. |
Aye |
2.0 Brandin’
Leid |
Ection |
Responsible Depairtment |
Immediate Priority |
Langer tim’ Priority |
2.1 |
Airish |
Heft the availability o’ the Airish leid cooncil logo, uise o’ bi-leid Inglis/Airish corporate signatures an city brand fer uise in correspondence, paipers,literature, etc |
Aye |
2.2 |
Airish |
Cairry oot exploratory waark oan a bi-leid corporate logo |
Aye |
2.3 |
Ulster-Scots an’ Airish |
Waark wi’ stakehaulders tae forder an approach fer raisin’ awareness oan Ulster-Scots an' Airish street naimes. Waark wi’ stakehaulders |
Aye |
2.4 |
Ulster-Scots |
Forder an Ulster-Scots leid Cooncil logo, bi-leid Ulster-Scots/Airish documentation, literature, etc. Forder Ulster-Scots Leid Cooncil logo, bi-lingual Ulster-Scots/Airish corporate signatures an’ leuk intae forderin an’ U;lster-Scots City Brand fer uise in correspondence, paipers, etc |
Aye |
2.5 |
Sign Leid |
Forder approach tae owreset Sign Leid “Welcome” wittens aa identified cooncil venues liasin’ wi’ apt depairtments oan buyin’ an’ installin o’ new screens quhar apt. |
2.6 |
Disability Communications |
Forder approach tae signage acroass cooncil facilities liasin’ wi’ apt Depairtments oan buyin’ an’ pittin’ on new disability signage eg Braille, Tactile maps. |
3.0 Commonity Education an’ Business
Leid |
Ection |
Responsible Depairtmnet |
Immediate priority |
Longer term priority |
3.1 |
Aa Leids |
Leuk intae forderin a Leid Strategy Development Fund fer inby an’ ootby events an’ cairry oan hostin ‘ sich events an’ daeins heftin ivry strand o’ the Leid Strategy. |
Aye |
3.2 |
Aa Leids |
Heft implementin o’ leid related ections in Bilfawst Stories Programme. |
Aye |
3.3 |
Airish |
Forder range o’ warkshaps/ wittens sessions an’ daeins oan cooncil related matthers laike recyclin’ biodiversity etc airted aa Airish medium schuils. |
Aye |
3.4 |
Airish |
Yinst aff ootby coorse fordered langside stakehaulders , delivered taer commonity based Airish teachers oan teachin methods. |
Aye |
3.5 |
Airish |
Deliverin’ o’ Employment an' Apskeelin Academies fer Airish-medium clessruim assistants an’ ithers waarkin in the Airish medium education sector. |
Aye |
3.6 |
Airish |
Heft Airish leid cultural initiatives an’ waark langside tourist service providers tae ris’ visibility o’ Airish in Bilfawst’s tourism offerain
Aye |
3.7 |
Airish |
Creative screevin’ competition launched an’ airted aa students in Airish Medium Schuils an’ A Level students. |
Aye |
3.8 |
Airish |
Maakin o Airish Leid beuklet o’ basic Airish phrases an’ sayins an’ fects aboot benefits o’ bein’ bi-leid |
Aye |
3.9 |
Airish |
Leuk aa the chansts fer houldin Oireachtas na Gaeilge (yeirly Airish cultural an’ arts festival) in Bilfawst. |
Aye |
3.10 |
Ulster-Scots |
Distrubution an’ heftin o’ Ulster-Scots Placenaimes o’ Bilfawst beuklet aa City Haa. |
Aye |
3.11 |
Aa Leids |
Leuk aa hoo the benefits o’ diversity o’ leid can bae hefted tae the business commonity in Bilfawst. |
4.0 Key Airt o’ Waark: Staff Awareness an’ Trainin’
Laa |
Ection |
Responsible Depairtment |
Immediate priority |
Langer tim’ priority |
4.1 |
Sign Leids |
Tae gie a wheen o’ sign Leid coorses tae staff. |
Aye |
4.2 |
Disability Communications |
Tae heft awareness tae the public bae the wabsteid an’ City Matthers o’ hoo tae access cooncil paipers, services an’ facilities, laike hoo tae ax fer paipers/foarms in a differ format.
4.3 |
Aa Leids |
Forderin an’ roul-oot o’ Maakin Communications Accessible Steerin tae staff an’ forder steerins fer staff oan gien accessible chuses (laike subtitles, dubbin, etc) fer remote meetins an’ daeins
Aye |
4.4 |
Airish |
Stirt informal taakin curn fer Airish speakin’ staff an’ staff wantin’ tae lairn Airish an’ encourage uise o’ Airish amang staff.
Aye |
4.5 |
All languages |
Tae heft recruitment Cooncil wul ettle tae extend oor reach bae, maakin siccar at joab adverts ir pit oot widely an’ specifically tae employment an' heftin organisations adae wi’ gyely underrepresented curns.
Aye |
5.0 Key Airt o’ Waark: Engagement
Leid |
Ection |
Responsible Depairtmrnt |
Immediate priority |
Langer tim’ priority |
5.1 |
Minority Ethnic Commonities |
Settin’ ap o’a Minority Ethnic Commonities stakehaulder collogue tae mak’ inpit intae ection plennin policy forders. Thon forum wud bae a sub-curn fer the migrant forum.
Aye |
5.2 |
Aa Leids |
Maakin young fowk pairt o’ cooncil’s ootby Leid Strategy Engagement forum. |
Aye |
Annex 1 – Intherim Approach fer Chusen Leids fer Minority Ethnic Commonities
Wittens hae baen gaithered fae a wheen o’ sources tae identify the leid maist in demand fer minority commonities.
The nummer o’ leid owresettin’/interpretation requests tae cooncil sine 2018 ir set oot ablow.
Leid |
Nummer o’ Speirins |
Arabic | 15 |
Russian | 4 |
Polish | 4 |
Somalian | 2 |
Chinese (Mandarin Traditional) | 1 |
Chinese (Mandarin Simplified) | 1 |
Romanian |
1 |
Spanish | 1 |
The Bilfawst Healtht an’ Social Care Trust hae gien latest statistics aboot the maist axed fer leids fer interpretin’health matthers: A collection o’ leid statistics from Census 2021 cum oot in sictimmer 2022, hooiniver mair wittens aboot leids wul bae brocht oot owre Wunter/Spring 2023. Ablow we hae a leet o’ leids spoke aa hame.
Leid | Requests |
1. Arabic | 9235 |
2. Polish | 4697 |
3. Romanian | 3032 |
4. Somali | 2708 |
5. Slovak | 2138 |
A collection o’ leid statistics from Census 2021 cum oot in sictimmer 2022, hooiniver mair wittens aboot leids wul bae brocht oot owre Wunter/Spring 2023. Ablow we hae a leet o’ leids spoke aa hame.
Main Leid |
Population |
Percentage |
1. English | 310,386 | 93.000944 |
2. Polish | 3843 | 1.1514779 |
3. Irish* | 2659 | 0.7967161 |
4. Chinese (Mandarin) | 2272 | 0.6807593 |
5. Arabic | 2046 | 0.6130429 |
6. Romanian | 1460 | 0.4374597 |
7. Spanish | 960 | 0.2876448 |
8. Portuguese | 669 | 0.2004524 |
9. Slovak | 649 | 0.1944598 |
10. Malayalam | 527 | 0.157905 |
11. Tagalog/Filipino | 462 | 0.138429 |
12. Hungarian | 433 | 0.1297398 |
13. Chinese (Cantonese) | 415 | 0.1243464 |
14. Lithuanian | 397 | 0.1189531 |
15. Russian | 228 | 0.0683156 |
16. Bulgarian | 179 | 0.0536338 |
17. Latvian | 123 | 0.0368545 |
18. Tetan | 20 | 0.0059926 |
19. Other languages* | 6017 | 1.8028735 |
Total | 333,745 | 100 |
Tak’ tent at Census 2021 axed follae ap questions aboot Airish an’ Ulster-Scots leid ability:
17,986 fowk in Bilfawst allooed at they wur fit tae speak, screeve in an’ read the Airish Leid.
2,553 fowk in Bilfawst allooed thaimsels tae bae fit tae speak, screeve an read Ulster-Scots.
Recommendation – Top 5 Ethnic Minority Commonities leids fer owresettin cooncil material
Based oan nummers fae the 2021 census an’ fae leid requests tae Bilfawst Cooncil an’ Bifawst Trust in recent yeirs. We recommend at the leids ablow bae leeted es the Tap 5 fer owresettin cooncil materials:
- Polish
- Chinese (Manderin an’ Simplified
- Arabic
- Romanian
- Somali