7. Biodiversity Survey
What is it?
Policy NH1 of the Plan Strategy states that in assessing proposals, the Council will seek to ensure the protection of the district’s natural heritage and biodiversity. The council will require developers to undertake appropriate site surveys and assessments for consideration prior to planning applications being determined.
A Biodiversity Survey (or ecological or wildlife survey) assesses the specific impacts of development proposals on natural heritage, including designated sites and priority habitats; and protected and priority species.
When is it required?
A Biodiversity Survey is required where:
- the need for a survey is identified as part of the completion of the Biodiversity Checklist (see section 6 above); or
- the proposal would impact or have the potential to impact on natural heritage, including designated sites and priority habitats; or protected and priority species.
The Council has a statutory duty under the Wildlife and Natural Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (link opens in new window) to have regard to conserving biodiversity as part of policy or decision making and in drawing up development plans.
The DAERA provides standing advice on the development of land that may affect natural heritage interests (link opens in new window).
Further planning advice and guidance is provided on DAERA's website (link opens in new window).