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Published December 2024

Draft Planning Application Validation Checklist

47. Travel Plan

What is it?

Policy ENV4 of the Plan Strategy states that proposals for significant travel generating uses will require a Travel Plan.

A Travel Plan sets out a package of complementary measures for the delivery of sustainable travel. The objective of a Travel Plan is to reduce single occupancy car travel. However, a Travel Plan should not be used to make a development acceptable. A Travel Plan is a long-term management strategy for an organisation or site that seeks to deliver sustainable transport objectives and is regularly reviewed. As such, critical elements of all successful Travel Plans include setting targets to improve sustainable travel, monitoring and review.

When is it required?

The requirement for a Travel Plan will be informed by the criteria set out in paragraph 3.4.3 of the Transportation Supplementary Planning Guidance.

What should be included?

Further guidance is provided by the Transportation Supplementary Planning Guidance.

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